Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 Crime scene.

The next morning, Zero gets a call from the association. Yagari wanting Zero to come right in for work. They found the mayor and all his men dead. The investigation was on. Zero was the headhunter there. They needed him.

"Yuki you wouldn't believe, they found the Mayor and his men dead. I have to go to work. I will be back later tonight." Zero states. "Ok, Please be careful." Yuki says. Not letting on that she knows anything. "I will." Zero states. "Let me know what you find out. Who killed him." Yuki replies. "I am sure he had a lot of enemies." Zero states. " I bet." Yuki replies.

Zero leaves for work. Yuki kissing him before he leaves. She walks back up to her quarters. Still staying away from Kaname.

Zero gets to the crime scene, just looking around at all the dust laying on the floor. "How many men did he have working for him?" Zero asks. "135" Yagari answers."All dead?" Zero replies. "Yes. Doesn't even look like they put up a fight. They were just turned to dust. The Mayor was turned also. But it looks like it went a little slower. The killer left a photo to show just what he went through before death. They wanted him to suffer. "Yagari states. "Wow, that's a lot of blood. The person that killed him would have to be in full control to do something like that. A vampire not affected by blood?" Zero replies. "This murder wasn't forced on draining their blood for dinner. It was forced on him being dead. It looks like revenge." Yagari states. "Is there any clues?" Zero asks. "No, it happened in the middle of night. There are no witnesses. Anyone that did see anything is dead. The person would be full of blood, yet the blood trail stops at the mayor's office. Nothing leads outside of there. It's like the murder flew away. I am not sure if we are going to get to the bottom of this." Yagari states. "Well, we will try."Zero replies. Rushing the photo to the lab to check fingerprints. Then Zero thinking to himself. Was this Kaname? He could fly away. Turn himself into a bat. Was this Yuki? Naw, Zero thinks. She wouldn't. She couldn't? Could she?

Zero goes over the crime scene. Searching for clues. Not much left for clues. Everything was turned to dust. The only thing that could catch the person was if there were prints on the photo. Otherwise, it was a complete loss. Zero saw the extent of the damage done to the mayor. The picture clear in his head. It was a very anger fulled murder. Someone hated the mayor as much as he did. Was it his spouses? He knew he had to be careful with the prints. Making sure he was the only one to see who's was on the photo before anyone else.

Zero goes home late. Still thinking about everything he has seen today. He walks in being greeted by Yuki. Putting her arms around him and giving him a big kiss." Welcome home handsome." Yuki says. "Thank you babe." Zero replies." How was your day? What did you find out?"Yuki asks. "I would like to talk to you and Kaname together. After dinner, we can go into his office." Zero says.

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