Flash backs

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Third persons POV

"Starting from middle school, why?" Ino asked curiously.

"Because Ino thats when everything started.." Temari sighed as she sat down, collecting all of her thoughts.

Way back then, everyone was happy, no one had to try and hide it. No one had to wear a mask and pretend to be something they truly weren't. Everyone was still friends, no one hated one another, there wasn't any chaos between all of us. But, all of that changed once the fire had occurred.


"Alright class can anyone tell me the formula for area?" "Ah yes Sakura!"

"It's length times width!"


"Man how did you know that!" Naruto asked.

"It's easy Naruto, I'll teach you from time to time." Sakura smiles.

Back then everyone was friends with one another. No one had grudges nothing. Everyone loved one another, everyone helped and cherished one another. Until that one day, when the fire nation attacked....

Sorry guys I just had too xD

As the alarm when off, ringing across every single hallway, the intercom set off an announcement saying in a scared, timid crackling voice, "EVERY ONE EVACUATE AND GET TO SAFTEY THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS A DRI-AHHHHHHHH"

Little do you know, that one announcement changed their lives forever. After that all the children looked up at the teacher, her face was just as terrified as their's maybe even more. The teacher quickly ran to the door locking it, and barricading it, "Alright kids go in the storage unit, I'll be right outside."

"What No we can't just leave you here!" Naruto cried out.

"I'll be fine Naruto, I'll be right here." The teacher smiles as she opens the storage unit with her keys the kids quickly rushed in, as she closed the door she smiled at all of them. Quickly locking the door she slid the keys under the door. "Listen to me, don't open the door until you hear my signal, I'm entrusting the keys to you Sasuke, the signal will be two simple knocks just like this "knock" "knock"

"You got it teach." Sasuke says.

"Alright, hold on tight and remember stay quiet at all times and stay hidden no matter what."

And those were the last words the children heard from their teacher. Seconds later all they heard were the sensei's screams followed by multiple gun shots. The children covered their mouths as they silently cried hoping the intruders didn't notice them.

"The children.. they're in there.." It was a faint and deep voice. The next thing the children heard were footsteps heading towards their way to the storage unit door.

The students turned to sasuke and said very lowly and timidly, "what do we do sasuke.."

The intruders banged on the door yelling, "COME OUT KIDS WE KNOW YOU'RE HIDING IN THERE!"

The children froze turning as white as snow acting as if they saw a ghost. The bangs became louder and louder as the children cried out for help, for their mothers and fathers and loved ones for someone to just come and save them. Out of no where shots were being fired and the banging in the door stopped. Suddenly there was a sudden two simple just like how the sensei gave moments ago.

Sasuke slowly walked up to the doorknob shaking from head to toe. He hesitated as he put his hand in the door knob.

"It's ok kids, you're safe now."

Sasuke recognized the voice and quickly opened the door, there stood his father opening his arms in embrace. He ran into his arms and the rest of the students smiled and wiped their tears.

"Ok kids cmon we'll protect you and make sure no bad guys get you but for now *cough* we have to get out of here."

There was smoke everywhere, the students nodded and coughed as the ash spread across the air. As the students walked out of the storage room they saw their sensei's lifeless body, they couldn't help but to cry as they ran outside. The rest of the parents were there yelling for the their children's names. Seconds later the building collapsed with fiery red and orange stained in the skies as everyone watched the fire died down.

"M-Mama...Papa!!" A little blonde boy yelled. "Mama papa where are you!!!" He screamed and cried.

A man with brown hair and a scar on his nose walked up to the crying helpless boy. "You can't find your parents little one?" He said as he picked up the crying child. "N-No mister I can't, can you help me find them.." He sniffs as he wipes his runny nose.
"Of course, what's their names?"

"Um M-Minato...a-and K-Kishuna.."

The man looked at the child with sorrow and empathy as he held him close, "You poor child, I'm sorry to say but they didn't make it.."

**flash backs ends**

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