The Mix-up

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Hello Reader! This will be my first yaoi or BL story I've ever written so it may be sucky. But anyways I hope you guys do enjoy!!😃❤

Naruto Pov

Hello my name is Naruto Uzamaki! I'm a first year in Konoha High.  My social life is ok I guess, I mean I know people from here and there. But school was boring I only came to school for one person and you'll find out about him soon.

My parents died when I was little so I lived with Iruka. He's like a father to me and I'm very grateful to have someone like him by my he buys me ramen.

"Hey Iruka the bus is here I gotta go!!!" I say as I rush downstairs.

"Be safe and remember don't cause Tsunade any trouble ok." Iruka says as he hugs me.

"Tch that old lady always causes me trouble.." I say as I hug Iruka back.

"Just be safe ok." He says as he pats my head.

"I will dad!" I waved as I ran out the house and sat on the bus.


"HAHAHAH Hey Choji!"

"So how are you and your little Boyfriend!!"  "Yea Naruto tell us!!" Girls said behind us.

"Um well it's good I guess today's the day he's gonna tell his dad about us so I'm kinda excited!!" I squealed.

"THEY ARE SO CUTEEE!!!" The girls screamed.

"Heheh Thanks.." I blushed in embarrassment.


"Finally we're here!'

"Um Naruto I thought you hate school?" Choji asked.

"Duh I just finally wanna see-

**Mysterious guy puts his hands on Naruto's eyes**

"Gahhh who turned off the lights!!" I yelled.

*chuckle* "It's me silly!!"

"Skikamaru!!! I say as I turn around and kiss my beloved boyfriend.

(Yes Ik you guys thought it was Sasuke but I promise it's still a sasunaru)

"Hey Shika." Choji said as they did their handshake.

"Alright I'll give you lovebirds some privacy..." Choji said as he walked away.

"So did u tell your dad huh, did youuuuuu!!"

*Shikamaru chuckles* "No not yet Naru I promised him after school today that I had to tell him something very Important."

"I can't wait to hear his answer!"

"Neither can I.." Shikamaru said as he put his forehead onto mine.

"Move out the way faggots!"

"Tch why does he have to be here.." I growled.

"Let's just go to class let's not get into to trouble....again..." Shikamaru smiles

Shikamaru walked me to class then gave me a kiss before he went to his class.

I sat down where I usually sit right by Lee or Bushy brows heheh.....

"Wassup Bushy brows!" I said as punch his arm.

"Owww Naruto do you always have to punch my arm like that everytime we see each other."

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now