Authors Note

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Hello readers!!!

I know you guys were hoping for me to update but I wanted to put up a schedule on when and when I won't update, I'll also give some details about the book as well!

First I'm thinking on updating Monday's and Friday's those days aren't really that busy for me so it won't be hard for me to juggle through things. But I may not update if I am busy that day if that makes any sense😅

Now about the story....

Well  can't say I didn't want you guys about the drama😂

Also when it was Naruto's birthday I was thinking on writing maybe a chapter about Sasuke giving Naruto a special "present" *wink* *wink* if ya know what I mean😉

Also maybe a Q&A like I said before back in the Naruto's birthday thing but remember it doesn't have to be questions about me it can also be about the characters! But also remember that I don't own any of the characters but the ideas and plot are.

So it'll just be basically in what / and how I think they'll answer the question.

And finally about six.

Ahhh six the most hated person in the book probably close to Sakura but I mean she's being nice right now so we'll just see.

I can't reveal six me sorry...

It'll reveal when the time is right, SO PREPARE YOUR THEORIES!!!

Well I think that's basically it if you guys ever wanna do a Q&A just comment and if I have some then I'll do it no questions ask!!

Did you see that pun I just did there...😂

It was funny fine I'll just go

I'm joking lol but yea just comment on whether or not I should do Q&A's or if you guys want me to add something to the story!

Also don't forget about the Naruto birthday present thing if you guys want me to write that then comment on it!!

Also if we do a Q&A you guys get to ask Six questions as well!!

Feel free to express yourselves as you read along and forever and always....



F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora