Mystery Dad Pt.2

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Naruto POV

"Oh hello Naruto.."


I gagged.


"It won't be that weird.." Kakashi say as he kissed Iruka.

"I can't take this I'm gonna go to Sasuke's house..." I say as I ran upstairs put comfy clothes on then ran as I can.

I called Sasuke and agreed to meet up somewhere.

"Hey Naruto!" Sasuke waved.

"Hey Sasuke." I smiled.

"So what you wanna do..?" I asked.

"I don't know it's up to you." Sasuke shrugged.

"RAAAAAMMMMENNNNN!!!!" I say as I follow the sweet ramen aroma.

We entered the restaurant and ordered some ramen.

I ordered an XXXL Bowl with extra pork, and Sasuke just ordered a regular..

We ate our ramen then started taking a nice stroll around the area.

It was romantic sakura petals falling off the tree's, listening to the birds chirping. Watching the sun setting.

It actually felt like we were on a date...

But like again my dumbass decides to break the awkward silence.

"Sooo um about today.."

"It wasn't your fault I've been wanting to dump her I just didn't know when, so you actually did me a favor."


He was planning to breakup with her...does that mean that we might get together..

"Well I'm glad, I mean I'm glad that it wasn't my fault that you guys broke up..." I stuttered.

I looked back at Sasuke and he just smiled. i can't read him at all. I can never tell what the hell is he thinking...well only once I did. But that was in bed...ANYWAYSSS

"Hey Sasuke.."

"Yes Naruto.."

"Do you um l-like anyone e-else in school.." I say as I tucked my head under my shirt.

"I can't really say but I do have my eye on somebody right now." Sasuke answered.

"Oh that's good.." I say as I try to hold back my blush.

We then hopped onto some roller coasters and games for a while until it was dark.

So I decided to walk him home.

"This was fun.." I chuckled.

"Yea it was.."

"I'm glad it was you.."

"What do you mean you're happy it was mean..?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh um that I'm happy I got to hang out with you.." I blushed trying to stay cool.

"Oh, well this is my stop." Sasuke says.


His house was so hugeee I mean it looks like a mansion compared to mine!!

"THAT'S YOUR HOUSE!" I yelled.

"Yea why..?"

"It's huge!!"

*Sasuke shrugged his shoulders*

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Naruto.."

No he's leaving he can't leave...he just can't...

Before he opened his house door I turned him around and kissed him.

"G-Goodnight S-Sasuke!!!" I say as I awkwardly waved and ran away.

I ran all the way to my house thinking on what the hell I done.

Part of me thought "It was just a kiss it means nothing.."

The other part of me thought "Mannnnn yo ass gonna get in trouble YOU. ARE. FUCKED."

As soon as I made it to my block I started getting prepared for Kakashi.

I gathered up all of my courage and opened the door slowly

But since our door is squeaky it opened LOUDLY

"Oh hey Naruto Kakashi already left if you were gonna ask."

"Oh thank god!" I say letting out a dramatic sigh.

"So where were you Naruto" My dad say as he gave me a freaky stare.

"I was with Sasuke nothing more nothing less!"

"Mmmhhmm well go take a shower and go to sleep you still have school tomorrow. "

"I know don't remind me now everytime I see Kakashi I think of you two.." I gagged.

"Hahahhah oh Naruto you'll get used to it one day."

"I hope that day comes faster..." I say as I walk upstairs getting ready for my bubble bath.

Yes I take bubble baths...DON'T JUDGE ME

Hello readers I'm so sorry about the last chapter I didn't even realize how short it was until I read it! I feel so bad but the juicy stuff is going to start next chapter. I hope you guys can contain yourselves loll and remember to always be safe and stay Kawaii!💖

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