The Girlfriend

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Sasuke's POV

"W-We never speak of that again..." I say as I walk out of the janitor's closet wiping my lips.

What the hell was I thinking!!
Making out with a guy??!!
Im straight for crying out loud!!
But I-It was nice I guess...

I say face palming my self.


I turned to see my girlfriend.


"No hugs no kiss??" She asked with a puppy face.

"We don't have to hug and kiss every time we meet up.." I say as I continued to walk to my first period.

"SASUKE WAIT UPP!!" She yelled as she 'tried' to catch up to me.

"Sasuke what's up with you, you've been very distant lately..."

"I'm fine Sakura just stressed about um...the party yea look after the party everything will be back to normal I promise.." I say as I kiss her forehead.

"Ok, oh and can you sit by me at lunch pretty pleaseeee!!!"

" Fine..." I say as I instantly regretted my decision.

**At Lunch**

I started walking down the hallway looking for Sakura.

"Where the hell is she!!" I yelled to myself.

Then when I entered the cafeteria I saw her sitting down with a group of people waving.

She knows how much I hate attention and yet she does this...

I walked towards the table then sat down, as soon as I sit down Sakura sits on my lap...Typical.

I just shrugged it off and let it be.

"Soooo are you guys going to prom together!!" Ino asked.

"Well duh of course we are!!!" Sakura yelled.

"I've planned everything, my dress, his suit, the bucay EVERYTHING!!"

"Sakura do you even know my size..?" I asked.

"Yes..." She said with a creepy look on her face, I'm guessing she's a crazy Fujoshi like Ino.

"Well that's not creepy at all.." Neji said.

"Hey guys sorry I'm-"

"N-Naruto..." I say trying not to remember about the "incident"

"Oh if you didn't mind I invited him is that okay...? Hinata asked.

"N-No not at all..." I say trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Um Sasuke you seem to be red..?" Tenten said.

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum