Late Night Text

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"Dad it's not what it looks like.." I say backing up.


"Ok then it's exactly what it looks like." I say as I get a glass of water and start to make some instant ramen.

"Look dad I'm gonna be honest with you."

Then I told him everything about the whole Sasuke thing, weird thing is he wasn't shocked at all at the things I told him what had happened at the Janitor's closet, Locker rooms, or at the party he was completely cool with it.

"Wow you got your hands full huh.." Iruka said.

"Yea I do.." I say looking down and eating my ramen.

"Well I think you should just follow your heart, if you like Sasuke then go for Sasuke."

"Yea but he has a girlfriend Sakura, what about her.." I say.

"Man fuck Sakura she can go somewhere with her useless ass."

"DADDD!!!" I yelled as spit out my ramen then started laughing.

"Oh my god I can't believe you just said that...that is the funniest thing you've ever said about anyone!!!" I cried with laughter.

"From what I heard she's just into Sasuke for the popularity.." Dad said as he crossed his arms.

"And how do you know that Iruka.." I say with an evil and intimidating smile.

"I have ears everywhere Naruto.." Iruka said as he slowly got up from his chair.

"Going off to bed?" I asked.

"Yea I have work in the morning and after that a date so I need my rest."

"YOU HAVE A DATE WITH WHOOOO!!" I say as spit out my ramen....again

"You'll see one day Naruto, goodnight." Dad said as he kissed my forehead and went upstairs to sleep.

"Heheheheh oh I'll find out about it alright."

Minutes later I washed my dish and took a quick and refreshing shower, then I put my pajamas on and jumped into bed.

Before I closed my eyes my phone buzzed.

"Eh who can be texting me now, I swear it better not be lee with his jogging in the middle of the night again."

I turn around and see that it's an unknown number.

Hey Naruto it's me Sasuke. I was wondering if you would wanna sleepover my house or if you want it could be the other way around.

"Why would he text me about sleeping over...I don't care what's the reason I love it.." I say as i quickly reply to his message.

Yea I guess, when do you wanna sleepover..?

**New message**

Tomorrow. I'll come by your house around 12:00

"Whaaaatttt how does he expect us to sleep over tomorrow I don't even have enough time to prepare!!!!"

Um yea sure I guess... WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW MY ADDRESS!!!!

**New message**

Ino gave it to me

That damn Ino...she probably gave him my number as well but I'm not complaining about that..

Alright Tomorrow noon it is...goodnight Sasuke..

Good night F*ck Buddy...

And with that I texted Dad about everything hoping he would get my message in the morning before he leaves for work and go to his date.

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now