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Third persons POV

While Sasuke, Naruto, Ino, Shika and Temari were on their way to the high school trouble was lurking deep in the shadows. As for the others who met up with Kakashi and Iruka, Six was long gone by the time they arrived st the scene they've left no trace of their existence. It was frustrating, by the time the cops and the other arrived the news and people were surrounding the area. The words, "You whore" "you'll regret messing with me" where written everywhere. More graffiti was written all over the school inside and out. Principal Kakashi couldn't take this vandalism he told the cops to hurry up and find this person before things got even more worse than what they already were. As the adults were talking the gang was talking amongst themselves thinking on who could've done this. Temari kept quiet as she collected all of her thoughts. The others were begging for Temari to tell them who Six was so they could handle the situation themselves but if course Temari denied and said, "I'll tell you when I tell everyone." They all nodded in unison as the understood Temari's reasoning. As the coast was clear everyone went home along other the police officers. Sasuke went home with his father and Naruto went home with his. Kakashi and Iruka discussed things school was pushing back prom and end of course exams until the school is repaired. This gave Temari extra time to think about the whole six situation. As for everyone else it gave them to either study for their exams, get ready for graduation or time to get their mind off the vandalism.

Sasuke's POV

**Knock Knock**

"UGHHHHHHHHH WHO IS IT!" I yelled as I turned to the other side of my bed face planting my face into my pillow.

"ITS ME YOU LITTLE SHIT OPEN UP!!!!" Itachi yelled as he banged on my door yet again.

"YOU DICK HEAD THERES NO SCHOOL WHY WAKE ME UP SO FUCKING EARLY!!" I yelled once again this time throwing a pillow at my door.

"BECAUSE ITS FUN!" Itachi laughed.


"Nah I'm joking for real for real wake up, meet me downstairs in 10 minutes."

Itachi sounds serious I wonder what this was about...

I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth you know the same old same old. I rushed downstairs to see Itachi drinking coffee he handed me a cup as I looked up at him peculiarly.

"So what's this about?"

"It's about Six, next school day Temari is gonna reveal who Six is."

"What are you serious?!" I said as I almost lost my composure.

"Shh yes I'm serious I over heard Temari and Dad talking she's going to do it the next school day, so be prepared but don't tell anyone and I mean ANYONE or else we'll both get in trouble by dad." Itachi said as he continues to sip his coffee. "That's all you can go back to sleep." Itachi says as he shoes me away.

"I can't sleep now idiot I'll just go to Naruto's house and I WON'T tell him if you're wondering." I said as I walked upstairs and finished my cup of coffee. I sat on my bed and sighed as I looked on my phone.

"It's Sunday... we go back to school on Monday. I hope Six is ready to be exposed." I said as I looked for Naruto in my contacts.

Sasuke: Hey cutie is it okay if I hung out at your house for a while???

Naruto: Hey sure not a problem my father isn't here anyways due to fixing up the school

Sasuke: Great I'll be there in 15 minutes see you there 😘

Naruto: I'll see you then ☺️❤️

"Tch you're such an idiot." I smiled as I put my phone in my back pocket grabbed my keys and drove off to Naruto's house.

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