Friends? Benefits? Boyfriends?

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Sasuke's POV

I haven't heard from Naruto in a while. Haven't seen him either. I've been isolating myself from the outside world lately. I mean I confessed to the blonde and yet he didn't even bother to give me a response, but I get it he has a lot on his plate so I'm just going to give him some time and as I do that I'm spending my time thinking on all the things I did and could've done to right from my wrongs. I'm bugging about Naruto's response and yet I still have to answer Sakura. I haven't answered her but I don't want to, I mean we've been together for 6 months and I was tired of her even for the 2. I just never told her though. It only got interesting when Naruto came back. But then everything went downhill. There's just so much to think about ugh.

Itachi: Hey fucker wake up! 

Sasuke: Shut the fuck up Itachi can't you see I'm busy!

Itachi: Dad has a new update on the Six case you idiot I thought you should know to.

Sasuke: An update?

Itachi: Yes dumbass now are you coming or not?

Sasuke: Coming!

I said as I ran out of my bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face and came running downstairs to meet Itachi, my father and Temari.

Sasuke: What the hell is this about?

Temari: Hi sasuke.

Sasuke: Temari?

Itachi: Temari is just going to as you questions then we'll fill you in.

Sasuke: Um okay I guess.

Naruto's POV

Iruka: Naruto you told me you were going out for fresh air and a snack i was worried sick!

Naruto: Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise you still cared for this blonde orphan.

Iruka: Naruto don't say that you're not an orphan you're my son.

Naruto: Last time I checked fathers tell their sons everything and no keep any secrets.

I said as I stomped my way upstairs. I was done, tired of it really. Six really had given me some thought, I know I shouldn't trust the bastard but I need to find out how they got this information about my parents.  But since what happened last night I doubt that they would tell me how they got that information.

*New message*

Sasuke: Hey Naruto can we talk?

Are you fucking kidding me?! First family now lover boy wtf!!

Naruto: No I will not talk to you good day sir.

*New message*


Sasuke: Please.

Naruto: Fine! What do you want to talk about?

Sasuke: In person meet me by the ramen shop in 30 minutes.

"This child really is a lot of work, why did I fall in love with a duck head like him."

I got ready and started walking to the ramen shop, when I entered I saw him smiling like a dumbass he is. I walked to the booth and sat in front of him.

Naruto: what do you want duck head.

Sasuke: Hey..

Naruto: Mind telling me what do you want to talk about?

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon