Clues part 4

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Naruto's POV

But when I arrived I saw the most devastating scene of my life. I saw them kissing. That's right. I saw Sasuke and sakura kissing. After all the things we did and been through this is what he does?! Really Sasuke!!!

"Wow nice to know I was important to you Sasuke, oh and congratulations for making me look like a dumbass I hope you're happy."

I walked away holding my hand at my heart. I wasn't crying, but of course I feel heartbroken.

I heard Sasuke calling out my name but I acted like I didn't hear him.

"It's okay Sasuke you don't have to lie or make excuses anymore you got what you wanted, like  you said in the beginning I'm just your fuck buddy.." I said as I started walking back to the cafeteria.

Sasuke's POV 


"This isn't what it looks like Sasuke Six text me to meet them by the soda machines and when you arrived I had to kiss you or else SEE!" Sakura as she showed me the text messages.

"Tch that damn six!!!" I yelled.

"Well Sasuke can't this just bloom into something else.." Sakura blushes.

"No for the last time Sakura I never liked you and I never will!!!" I yelled as I started looking around for Naruto.

I checked everywhere for him but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked in the cafeteria and the others said he grabbed hi stuff and took off with no explanation.

I told them everything sooner or later I found myself bursting into tears. I grabbed my stuff running across every single hallway looking for the blonde but he's gone.

"I really fucked up this time.." I say as I dropped to the floor crying on my knees.

Naruto's POV

I walked into Kakashi's office, asking him to call my dad to take me home. I didn't want to see that bastard anymore, well at least not anymore today.

My father came by and picked me up I told him about everything and being the loving  father he is he started comforting me. But then I realized one of the questions six asked me when we met.

"Do you know about your parents..?"

That question kept in my mind over and over again. Was he really telling me the truth or was it all just a lie..

I sighed trying to talk my brain out of it.

"Naruto are you okay, you haven't talked since you told me..."

"I'm fine dad I just wanna go home.."  "And I'm fine I won't do anything stupid I promise." I said as I flashed a fake smile.

"Okay If you ever wanna talk you know I'm always here for you." He said as he gave me a smile in return.

We got home finally from  what felt forever, I went straight up to my room. I shouldn't let him get me down but it just hurts for some reason.
I started binge watching some of my favorite shows and eating ramen trying to get my mind off of what had happened earlier today and it actually worked, I felt so much better I felt like myself again.

But then they text again.

Six: Hey Blondie why did you go home early..?

Naruto: Because I wanted to got a problem with that :)

Six: No not at all tbh it was a cowardly move.

Naruto: Ahahah says the person who hides their face and "tries" to ruin my senior year.

Six: Tch this isn't over Naruto

Naruto: Like you said before the game has just begun.

And that was that. I think I won this one! I should Celebrate. I should Shouldn't I. I happily walked downstairs going straight into the kitchen to look for some delicious ramen.

But as I open the cabinet I saw that there wasn't any!!!

"WE RAN OUTTTT!!" I yelled.

Then Iruka ran downstairs.


"NO I'M NOT OKAY!!" I cried.




"THIS IS SERIOUS I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT RAMEN DAD I THOUGHT YOU KNEW THISS!!!" I say as I continue to cry and throw a tantrum like a child.

"Ugh Fine I'll go buy some.."

"But I want some now.." I pouted.

"Then make it by scratch.." Dad sighed.

"It's time for YOUTUBE TUTORIALS!!" I yelled as I put an apron on and took my phone out and opened YouTube.

30 minutes later I got the hang of what exactly was going on and started getting out the ingredients for my ramen. I got out the pots and started cooking.

*30minutes later*

"My god finally I had to put the stove on low just in case if I had burned it like last time.." I poured the soup onto a bowl. I grabbed my favorite chop sticks and as I was about to eat I forgot to say thanks.

"Itadakimasu!!" I say as I clapped my hands together.

I grabbed my chop sticks and started fiddling with my noodles.

"Man I hope it tastes good..." I say as I prepare my mouth and mind for my ramen creation.

I grabbed the noodles with some chicken and took a bite.


"BETTER THAN I EXPECTED I SHOULD BE A COOK!" I started shoving my face in the bowl. After I was finished I poured more and more noodles into my bowl.

"Ahhhh that definitely satisfied my hunger.." I say as I pat my belly.

I got up and washed all the dishes and put them all away.

I walked upstairs heading towards my room then flopping onto my bed.

"Man that was good.." I whispered.

Then my phone vibrated.

"Wonder who that is..?"

I looked at the notification and of course it was Sasuke.

Sasuke: Naruto can we talk about earlier today...what happened wasn't my fault I swear!

"That's a load of bull shit!" I laughed. I got so sick and tired of him I wasn't crying I was laughing! Laughing onto how he thinks I'll fall for it. How I'll fall for the love sick game of his. So I decided to leave him in read.

Then he text me back.

Sasuke: Please Naruto answer me, I'll explain everything I promise this wasn't my doing!!

I left him on read again.

He kept spamming me so I decided to answer him.

Naruto: Listen Sasuke don't bother into talking to me, I'm not gonna believe you! I've fallen for your stupid games since day one and look where it got me! I'm sorry but what happened can't be forgiven and won't be forgotten. Bye Sasuke.

Then I blocked him. I was tired of it. Tired of all the bull shit he's putting me through. Tired of him thinking of just his sex toy well news flash Sasuke I'M A HUMAN BEING I HAVE FEELINGS!!

I looked at my phone once more. I grabbed my headphones and played my favorite and relaxing songs from my playlists. I looked at the ceiling one more time before my eyes became heavy and I soon started drifting off to sleep.

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