Clues part 2

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Six's POV

He's such a fool!! He wants to meet , then fine we'll meet in person. I had to tell him something anyways this is just perfect timing, guess I got luck on my side...

Six: No, we'll meet in Rosen street in the back alley way and if you don't come alone I will leak stuff about your so called friends..

Naruto: What time..

Six: Midnight.

Naruto: Fine.

Six: I'll see you then blondie..

Naruto's POV

It's really gonna happen. I'm gonna meet them. The bell rung.

"Hey Naruto are you okay you've been on your phone the whole lunch period.." choji said then everyone stopped what they were doing and looked back at me.

"Oh I'm sorry I just um.." I say trying to find an excuse.

"Naruto your hand is shaking are you okay.." Ino asked.

"I'm just cold I'm okay really.." 

Am I really that scared to face face six...

"You sure..?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't need your pity Sasuke.."

"Well okay then.." Hinata whispered.

"Did something happen to the two of you...?" Lee asked.

"No, nothing Sasuke's just a jerk I don't understand why you dated him Sakura.." I scoffed.


"I didn't even do anything to you!!" Sasuke yelled as he slammed his hands against the table.

"Oh really!"

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!" Sakura yelled.

"See you guys later.." I say as I grabbed my stuff and run-walked to class.

I don't know what the hell just happened, but I guess it happened for a reason.

After school I checked my phone for any new messages. None so far. Choji asked if we could hang out but I said I was busy.

"Hey Naruto you've been on your phone lately waiting on someone..?" Dad asked.

"Yea sort off."

"Well don't  stay up too late okay kiddo!"

"Thanks dad." I smiled.

I walked up to my room waiting for midnight. 

It was 11:50 so I decided to leave. I locked my room door, unlocked my window door and hopped out. I ran all the way to Rosen street, taking lefts and rights to get to the specific alley way they wanted to meet in.

I arrived at 11:59.

"Your timing couldn't be so ever perfect Naruto.."

"I'm guessing your six.."


I couldn't tell if I know that voice or not it was as if they used something to hide their actual voice.

"So Naruto what do you want from me, I don't have all night."

"Why are you getting my friends involved..?" I asked

"That's none of your business!" They yelled.

"Okay then why are you targeting mostly me and Sasuke, did we do anything to you..?" I asked as I stepped forward to see if I could find anything that I could recognize.

"Hmmm it's simply a lesson to teach you both, you messed with the wrong person." Six replies.

"Well I'm sorry for whatever I've done to offend you."

"Sorry won't cut it Naruto you just have to learn the hard way.." They chuckled.

"Oh one more thing before you go do you remember your parents.."

"What kind of question is that..?!" I yelled.

"Hush before people hear us idiot.." Six hissed.

"Answer the question, do you know anything about your REAL parents.."

"No Iruka told me they died in an accident when I was little and I was set up for adoption and Iruka adopted me and that's how I became his son.." I explained

Six chuckled.

"Ahahahahha well that ass hole lied to you Naruto, I know the real reason why they left." 

"What you can't possibly know the reason, and Iruka wouldn't lie to me like that!!"

Six laughed once more.

"I know your so called father way more than you do I guess, well I should get going see you around Blondie.." 

No no no no no no no they have to be lying I can't just stand here I have to do something..

I ran towards six tackling them and forcefully trying to pull down their hoodie.

"Let go of me you idiot!!!" They yelled.

"NO NOT UNTIL YOU STOP MEDDLING WITH MY LIFE!!" I yelled as I started punching them.

They managed to get a good grip of me then pushed me off of them.

"Oh Naruto the game has just begun, oh and reminder I know that Kakashi and your so called father are together.." Then they threw pictures at my face I squinted my eyes to try to look at the picture then I saw it was them "making love"

"You don't want me to leak this out do you, I suggest you be a good boy and don't tell anyone about this encounter of ours especially Temari and the police.."

So they know Temari is on their tail.

"I should try to eliminate her but I just don't know how, that's something I don't need to discuss with you.  Anyways I'll be off bye bye Naruto I'll see you in hell." They chuckled as the left the scenery.

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora