Clues part 3

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Naruto's POV

After six left I got up and ran from the place, leaving me confused on what the actual fuck just happened. I ran to my house climbed back up to my window and quietly closed / locked it. I hopped onto my bed looking at the time.

1:26 AM

"Great now I'm gonna be tired tomorrow.." I yawned.

**Same night**

Temari's POV

"Ughh none of this makes any sense what's their exact motive, what is their end goal..?"

"Temari dear shouldn't you be asleep..?"


I looked back on the evidence and spotted yet another clue. The hand-writing.

"There's only one person who writes their T's like that..." I started looking at different evidence sheets but their was still something not adding up. There's two or maybe multiple people involving in this due to the variations of hand-writing, but I know one person for sure and they are sure to be six but I need more evidence.

**Next Morning**

Temari wakes up on the on the floor.

"Temari hun it's time for school!!"

"BEACHHHH!!!!" "Oh it was just a dream.." I yawned.

I got up put my hair in my usual little puffs and got ready for the day. I gathered up all of my evidence and put it into a folder, I stuffed it into my book bag and walked downstairs to see my aunt and my two goofy brothers.

"Hey Kunkuro, Gaara.." I smiled.

"Hey sis where you headed..?" Kankuro asked.

"School silly I don't ditch like you and Gaara.."

"To be fair we used to skip, so past tense missy.." Kankuro sassed.

"Exactly.." Gaara agreed.

"Hey Temari have you talk to Naruto..?" Gaara asked.

"Not really why you asked..?"

"Just worried about a fellow friend that's all." Gaara smiled.

"Well I gotta go, the bus is gonna be here any minute now."

"Oh yea I forgot your school starts earlier." Kanguro says.

"It's not like you guys would miss me anyways.." I chuckled.

"Temari of course they will they're your brothers!!" My aunt said.

"Yea yea bye guys." I said as I kissed their foreheads then waved goodbye.

I started walking towards the bus stop then I spotted Sakura.

"Hey!" I waved.

"Oh hey Temari how's your little investigation going..?"

I don't want her to see my reaction that it's going good but I don't want to seem like she's suspicious to me..

"Good I guess, could be better.." I said as I flashed a smile.

"It'll be better, you'll find the culprit soon." She smiled.

*Bus arrived*

I sat next to Tenten but the whole time Sakura was giving me a weird look, like a stink eye or something. Was I being paranoid..?

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now