So it was you?

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Third person POV

"So I dig deeper into it and came to the conclusion that six wasn't working alone they had a partner."

Everyone gasped as Temari said this, they couldn't believed their ears not one but two people working as six to get rid of Naruto. The room filled with silence as everyone tried to grasp all of the information that had just been thrown at their faces.

"If you think about it after that was when six started to become more active well more than usual that is, I started thinking, why would six have a partner in crime when they've been working alone all this time. Then that's when it hit me, they shared a common goal, so therefore they made a truce." "Soon enough though this so called "six 2" realized the kind of damage they were doing to not only Naruto but to the people around them and how much trouble they would've gotten if they ever got caught in the act."

"So what happened next." Sasuke suggests as he held Naruto in his arms.

Temari snickered as she looked at Sasuke and the others, "They wanted out of course, but of course the original six didn't let this happen they threatened them that they would expose them of their actions." Temari sighed, "Don't you think it's time for me to unravel the truth and stop stretching it huh six.."

Temari looked over at Sakura and everyone gasped especially Sasuke.

"I KNEW THAT PINK BILL BROW BITCH WAS IT LET ME AT HER!!!" Ino yelled as she rushed towards Sakura. But Choji and Kiba quickly held her back.

"So Sakura how does it feel to be exposed."

Sakura looked at Temari and laughed, "What evidence do you have that it was me dearie hmm?"

"I was hoping you would say that, right in the start when we FIRST assumed it was you Sakura that was when you got a new partner, a partner to hide that fact that you are six, you even got this person to text you as well so we wouldn't think that you were actually the one behind it all along, but if that wasn't evidence for you well oneday she actually left a fingerprint behind in a scene, back at the police station and DNA doesn't lie Hun."

Sakura growls as she balls up her fists.

"Wait...if Sakura is six then who's six number two?" Naruto asked.

"That's easy it's Sai.." Temari said.

Ino turned over to Sai she walked over to him and slapped him, "WHAT?!"

Sai held his face as he starred blankly at an infuriated Ino.

"Temari are you sure about this.." Ino says as she held on to her heart feeling betrayed.

"I'm 100% positive it may seem shocking at first but his motives were  linked to Sakuras, he joined Sakura only because he was so sick of you shipping with random people and you fan girling instead of spending quality time with him. Then the tables turned one he sided with Sakura because you  wanted to spend time with him but he was ever so busy so he couldn't." Temari explained as she say down and drink a sip of tea.

Ino eyes started to tear up as she turned back over to Sai, "YOU BASTARD HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM, TO ME, TO ALL OF US?!"

Sai looked at everyone feeling their anger and betrayal look on their eyes, "I-I didn't mean to go this far!"

Sasuke walked up to Sai and punched dead in the face showing no emotion at all, "Bull shit" Sasuke says as Sai falls to the ground looking over at everyone's disappointed faces.

Everyone was in shock, and hurt everyone expected Sakura but they couldn't believe their eyes and ears when they found out that she really was behind this.

"How could you Sai, how could you backstab us after we took you in when you first came to this school.." Choji said.

"And Sakura, your bitch ass was just jealous Naru could turn your boyfriend gay." Ino scoffed as she glared at the pink head.

"Say that again blonde."

"Don't entertain her Ino, that's all that she wants is entertainment, we've been entertaining for her for far too long now." Naruto said as he walked over to Sakura.

"What the hell do you want rainbow." Sakura squirms as some police officers were holding her back.

"I just want to say, I forgive you.." Naruto said as he gave her one of his signature smiles.


"Weight take her in we're done here." Kakashi says, the police offers hand cuff her and says her Miranda Rights as she was being taken to the police car. Students and new reporters were all around asking questions trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
As for our gang they sat down trying to reciprocate at hand.

"Now as for you Sai, we know you didn't commit any crime so you won't get arrested we won't ruin your record like that."

Sai sighed and bowed, "T-Thank you Kakashi sir."

"That doesn't mean you're off the hook, you still have to re-gain all of their trust and as for your punishment I'm still debating on what it should be."

"Y-Yes sir.." Sai said.

"Don't you ever come near me again, or else your balls are getting chopped off." Ino said as she whipped her tears and stormed out of Kakashi's office.

"I-Ino wait...-

"Just let her go Sai, she's been through enough of your lies." Kibba added.

"Aren't we all." Choji joined.

"It's ok guys I forgave him too." Naruto said a she smiled and held his hand out to Sai to give him a lift up.

"You don't have to Naruto I understand.." Sai says as he looks down feeling as ever bit guilty.

"It's fine really don't worry about you just have to gain our trust again that's all, you're still my friend."

"Thank you Naruto." Sai cried as he hugged Naruto tightly.

"Just because Naruto forgave you so easily doesn't me we will." Sasuke growls.

"I know that.." Sai says.

"What's gonna happen to Sakura..." Naruto asks.

"She's going to jail she's committed too many crimes." Kakashi explained, "She won't bother you ever again, you're all safe now."

Everyone sighed in unison, "what a relief."

"Now we can all go back to normal."

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin