The Honkin Showdown

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Chapter 13

Lee, Randy, Theresa and Katjaa saw Kenny and Andy. Andy holds Duck and aims his gun back of Duck's head.

Kenny: Let him go, goddamnit!

Andy: That ain't gonna happen!

Randy: Andy, don't!

Andy: Shut up!

Kenny then tried to run up to save his son but Andy shot him near the edge of his stomach and Kenny falls to the ground after get shot. Katjaa runs towards Kenny on the ground


Duck: DAAAD!!!

Theresa: KENNY!

Lee and Randy raise their hand a bit and walk slowly

Lee: Andy!

Andy: Who the fuck do you people think you are?! Look it what you've done!

Randy: Calm down.

Andy: Calm down? What for, huh? All we wanted was some goddamn gasoline!

Andy gets blinded by Doug's(twdg) laser pointer and gets shot in the ear by Carley. Releasing from Andy's grasp, Duck ran over to his father and mother.

Randy: Now, Lee!

Lee and Randy ran up to Andy and tackled him before he could recover. The three fell down the hill, crashing through the fence. Lee and Randy got up before Andy could but was too slow, Andy kicked them in the face and turned on the generator. Grabbing the back of their collars, he dragged them over to the now electrified fence. Lee and Randy groaned and struggled as Andy began to push them to the electric fence. Using all their strength, they managed to stay back. Lilly, Howard, Douglas(rc9gn) and Clementine come out from the barn.

Lee and Randy: Lilly!

Lilly raised the rifle she was holding and aimed it at Andy. She shot and hit Andy his right shoulder. Andy yelled in pain, released Lee and Randy, and falls down to the ground. Lee quickly sits on Andy. He punched him in the face repeatedly. The entire group were together and they watched Lee beating up Andy. Randy walks to the group.

Theresa: Are you okay, Randy?

Randy: Yeah, I'm fine.

Randy turn around and sees Lee still punched Andy. Lee punched Andy in the face again and again until Randy walks up to Lee.

Randy: Lee, stop. He's had enough.

Lee stop until he realized he make it worse. Lee gets up.

Randy: Come on... let's go.

Andy tries to get his head up

Andy: Is that all ya got, Lee? ...You ain't shit!


As Andy struggled to stand up, he shout at Lee and Randy

Andy: FUCK YOU! As soon as Dan and Mama get out here you're all fucked!!

Randy: It's over, Andy! They're not coming to help you!

Andy: What do you mean? What the fuck do you mean?!

Lee and Randy stay quiet and walks away.


Andy gets on his knees.


Lee and Randy turn around and look at Andy but they walk away.

Andy: Get back here and fight me like a man, Lee!

But Lee and Randy ignore Andy

Andy: Lee!

The generator stops.

Clementine: They're getting in!

The walkers show up and they break the electric fence.

Andy: Lee!

Lee and Randy walks to the gate.

Lee: Let's go

Lee, Randy and the group walks away. Lilly looks at Andy one more time and leaves as well.

Andy: Lee......

To be Continued...

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