The Motor Inn

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Chapter 8

The group is at the Motor Inn where Lee, Carley, and Glenn were. Lily, Randy, Theresa, Debbie, and Bucky clear up all the dead bodies. Lee looks at this photo and then he hears some shots and some screams far away. He decides to check everybody. He goes to Glenn first.

Lee: Hey Glenn.

Glenn is listening to the radio in his car.

Glenn: I have to go.

Lee: Why?

Glenn: I have friends in Atlanta. I have to rescue them.

Lee: Maybe it's for the best.

Glenn: Yeah...

Lee looks at Lilly. He waves at her and she looks down for a bit, but she then glares at Lee and walks away.

Lee: Go and save your friends, Glenn.

Glenn: Thanks, Lee... Hey, about that girl...

Lee: We couldn't save her. It was her choice to kill herself.

Glenn: You told Carley to give her the gun.

Lee: I did.

Glenn: Maybe you're right. I don't think I could do stuff like that. Anyway, I know you guys are going to be ok.

Lee: Thanks, man.

Glenn gets in his car and drives away.

Randy walks over to Debbie, Bucky, Theresa, and Howard.

Randy: Hey guys.

Theresa: Hey, Randy. We heard about what Larry did in the drugstore.

Randy: Yeah.

Howard: That jerk! I swear man, he is going to get us all killed.

Theresa: We can't do anything about it, Howard.

Randy: Hey Theresa, here's your Twirling stick.

Randy gives Theresa her twirling stick back.

Theresa: Thank you, Randy. Howard told us that you use my twirling stick to protect him and that little girl.

Randy: Yeah and also her named is Clementine

Bucky: Wow, that was so brave of you!

Debbie: Yeah, I don't know if I can do something like that.

Theresa: Wow, Randy. You had a braveness to protect a little girl. I wish I could be like you.

Randy blushes

Randy: Umm...Thanks, Theresa. Also, I really hate to says this but where's Douglas(rc9gn)?

Howard: He's right there, helping Carley carrying several boxes over there. Why are you care about him?

Randy: Well, it's hard to explain. After he and Clementine been attacked by that zombie from that toilet, he became quieter than usual.

Debbie: Hmm.. maybe he's a bit traumatized, I think.

Howard: Really, Cunningham?! You're the only one cares about Douglas(rc9gn)?!

Randy: Yeah, yeah, Howard. Maybe we should talk later.

Lee walks over to Kenny and Katjaa.

Lee: Hey Kenny.

Kenny: Hey.

Lee: Thanks for picking me up.

Kenny: No problem. Hey Lee, you do know that Clementine is going to see more horrible things, right?

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя