Here we come, Savannah!

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Randy, Howard, Lee, and Clementine get out of the station and get back to the group.

Lee: We found a blowtorch in the station! Should make a quick work of the coupling up there.

Omid: Excellent, I'll come up there with you to have a look.

Randy: I'll come with you guys. Just in case. Howard Clem can stay here and get a rest.

Howard: Finally! Resting!

Randy rolls his eyes at Howard's replies as Lee, Omid, and Randy climb up. Randy puts down the blowtorch, and Lee turns on the blowtorch and uses it to cut the tanker. Lee starts cutting the coupling to the tanker with the blowtorch

Omid: That is crazy, look at it go.

Lee: Just about got it.

The tanker begin to move back, and almost tried to kill Lee but Randy noticed it and pulled Lee before the tanker falls down a bit.

Lee: Whoa, thanks, Randy!

Randy: No problemo, pal.

Omid: Yeah, we should be careful with this thing.

Lee: These things hanging by a thread. The smallest cut and it'll go, but I can't reach it.

Randy: I can help you with that.

Lee: No, Randy. It's too dangerous for you.

Omid: Maybe we can ask someone else to help us?

Randy: Or maybe we can ask Omid to cut down on this tanker.

Omid: You think it'll be within mine?

Lee: No, we're gonna dangle you over that ledge.

Omid: The hell you both are!

Lee and Randy opt to dangle Omid over the gap to finish the job, much to the latter's discomfort.

Omid: God, you two are real sons of a bitches, aren't you two?.

Lee: Shut up and start cutting.

Ben is on the train and he hears some noise. He looks and... spots a massive walker herd heading toward the group.

Ben: Guys... there's something coming!

Doug(twdg): Woah!

Carley: Jesus!

Bucky: What the juice?!

Douglas(rc9gn): No Honkin Way?!

Omid: What the what?!

Lee: There must be thousands...



Omid: I AM!

As Omid finally cuts the coupling.


They manage to cut the tanker and the tanker falls on the ground. The truck damages the ladder leading to the bridge

Lee: Kenny, go!

Kenny pulls the lever and the train starts moving. Everybody gets on the train except Lee, Omid, and Randy who are still on the bridge.

Omid: Shit! What the hell do we do now?

Randy: This will slow them down.

Randy looks at the blowtorch, throws it on the ground and this causes a little fire.

Randy: I kinda expected it to be much bigger.

Lee, Omid, and Randy go to the other side of the bridge.

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora