Shawn, Chet and Hershel

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Chapter 2

Lee, Randy, Howard, and Clementine come out of the house with Clementine closing the door.

Suddenly, when they look at the fence in the front, they see two strangers pushing a car.

Man 1: Oh man.

Man 2: I'm never getting to momma at this rate.

Man 1: This sucks.

Man 2: Ah, it's a hot dish night.

The two men continue to push the car. Lee is about to open the gate until he looks at Clementine.

Lee: What's the matter?

Clementine: Should I stay?

Randy: What?

Clementine: I don't want to sleep in the treehouse tonight but I don't know if I should leave. What if my parents come home.

Randy: We won't leave you alone.

Howard: Well you can stay here if you want to.

Randy: Howard! We can't just leave this eight years old girl alone.

Lee: He's right, we won't just leave you here alone, Clementine.

Clementine smiles.

Clementine: Let's find a place where it's safe, ok?

Lee: That's a good idea.

Lee opens the fence and he, Randy, Howard, and Clementine greet the strangers.

Lee: Hey man!

Randy: Excuse me, Sir

Man 1: Holy shit!

Man 2: Don't eat us!

Lee: We're not gonna hurt you.

Man 1: Phew, for a second, I thought you and these kids were gonna give us the chomp.

Howard: Do we look like zombies to you?

Man 1: Well, the guy with covered in blood and he is limping. How shouldn't I? Name's Shawn, Shawn Greene.

Lee: Lee, this is Randy, Howard, and Clementine.

Man 2: I'm Chet.

Man 1 is Shawn Greene and Man 2 is Chet

Shawn: Look, we shouldn't stay in the open like this. How about you and your kids help us get to the farm. It's much safer there.

Lee: I'm not their dad, I'm... Just some guy.

Shawn: Some guy?

Lee: Yeah.

Shawn: They're all alone?

Randy: Actually, we're both just some strangers from Norrisville. We came here for camping with our friends, Doug and Bucky.

Shawn: Well, you two make a big mistake by coming here. Also, I don't think your friends would come here either. Let's go.

Lee turns to Clementine.

Lee: What do you want to do?

Clementine: I...

The zombies show up.

Chet: The monsters are comin'. WE GOTTA GO!

Shawn begins to push the car.

Shawn: Lee, come on let's go!

Lee, Randy, and Clementine help Shawn with the car. They push the car and they get in and leave.

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now