Handling Food Rations

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Chapter 2

At the motor inn, everybody is at the hotel. Larry and Randy is working on a fence, Bucky and Duck are drawing and Katjaa is next to Duck, Carley is sleeping on a couch, Debbie is sitting on a chair, Theresa are twirled her twirling stick, Doug(twdg) are working on some sort of defense system, Clementine playing soccer with Douglas(rc9gn) and Lilly's on the RV being on watch. Suddenly, she sees the bushes moving and she aims her rifle at the bushes. She whistles and everybody hides. She is about to shoot and... Lee and the others show up.

Lee: Get the gates open! We've got wounded.

Lilly: Shit. What the hell are they doing?

Randy and Doug(twdg) open the gates and the others come through.

Theresa: Guys, what's going on?

Randy: Howard, what happened?

Larry: Who the hell are they?!

Clementine: Lee, are you okay?

Katjaa: Get him into the truck. I'll see what I can do.

Kenny: Kat, can you fix him?

Katjaa: Jesus, Ken! I-I don't know...

Lilly: LEE! What the hell?! You can't just be bringing new people here! What are you thinking?!

Kenny: Hey, you wanna calm down for a fucking minute!

Larry: HEY, Watch your mouth!

Lilly: No, I don't! I want to know why you thought bringing more mouths to feed was a good idea?!

Lee: I thought we could save his life! I'm the one who took his leg, that makes me responsible.

Howard: They could have died, but we left one of them in a forest!

Randy: What?! You guys left another one behind?!

Larry: Well that was a stupid thing to do, Lee!

Lilly: We are NOT responsible for every struggling survivor we come across! We have to focus on OUR group! Right here. right now.

Douglas(rc9gn): Come on, let's calm down and-

Larry and Howard: Shut it, Douglas(rc9gn)!

Carley: Hang on! We haven't talked to these people yet, maybe they CAN be helpful!

Debbie: Yeah! You guys thought that Mark was useless but he wasn't when he brought us foods.

Larry: Nobody asked your opinion, brat!

Debbie: Will you stop being so mean?!

Mark: Come on, Lilly. These are people! People trying to survive just like us. We've gotta stick together to survive!

Lilly: The only reason you're here is that you had food. Enough for ALL of us, but that food is almost gone, we've got maybe a week's worth left, and I don't suppose you guys are carrying any groceries, are you?!

Ben: Ummm, no.

Mark: Fine, you guys fight it out, then. Welcome to the family, kid.

Mark walks away.

Clementine: Come over here and see what I drew.

Ben: What? No, I...

Bucky appears at Ben's left side

Clementine: Just come on, okay?

Bucky: Clem's right, Let's calm down and if you want something to laugh about, i can zing about it for you.

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