Stanked Destruction

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As Christa, Omid, Theresa, and Debbie get out of the store with a shopping cart full of food, water, and supplies, they meet Molly and Douglas(rc9gn) there.

Molly: You guys have collected some of the food and water.

Debbie: Yes, and we also got a first aid kit just in case you needed it.

Molly: Well, we need some of it right now because your friend here is hurt.

They look at Douglas(rc9gn) who is grabbing his right shoulder in pain.

Christa: Holy shit, let me see your wounds, kid.

Christa checks Douglas's (rc9gn) wounded shoulder.

Omid: Is he bitten?

Molly: Nope, I checked on him, and he didn't bitten.

Christa: It looks bad; we need to take care of it. Lucky for you, we had some medical supplies in the first aid kit, but all we needed was the place where we had to patch you up because it's not safe here.

Douglas(rc9gn) murmuring himself

Douglas(rc9gn): Oh jeez, why did I ever leave Norrisville?

Theresa: We better get out of here because I could hear roaring from the distance a few minutes ago.

Molly: So we are.


Meanwhile, in the bus where Doug(twdg) was driving along with Kenny, Randy, Howard, and Carley in the passenger seats, as they were on the way to the market, the roaring sound could be heard from Stone Mountain town.

Howard: What the juice?!

Carley: What the?

Kenny: If that was Ben, I better hide.

Randy thought to himself:

Randy: What did Sorceress do this time now?

Doug(twdg): We better get to our group before something comes.

Then Doug(twdg) drove the bus to Stone Mountain.

Then Randy whispered to Howard to tell him that he had to go to Ninja Time.

Randy: Hey, buddy. Distract Kenny and Carley while I'm going, ninja.

Howard: Roger that.

Howard talks to Kenny and Carley about the plan for Norrissville.

Howard: Hey guys, do you have any plans if we finally arrive in Norrissville?

Kenny: Huh, you've got a point. Well, we-

As Howard distracted Kenny and Carley, Randy then decided to go ninja by hiding behind the backseat, wearing the yellow ninja mask (the ninja mask with the essence of Chikara in it), and sneaking out from the back of the opened bus window. As Randy goes ninja time, Doug(twdg), Carley, Kenny, and Howard finally reach the store where Christa, Omid, Theresa, Debbie, Molly, and Douglas(rc9gn) are. Kenny got off the bus and said

Howard: Did you guys get all the supplies?

Theresa: Yeah, we did.

Debbie: And the weapons?

Kenny: We've got some of them; don't worry.

Omid: And we had one person injured here, and we needed a bus to treat this little guy.

Kenny looks at Douglas(rc9gn) who is practically in an injured state.

Carley: Shit. What just happened?

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora