At The Drugstore

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Chapter 5

Randy and Howard are in the drugstore along with Lee, Clementine and the others.

Randy: I can't believe you're with Larry's side, Howard.

Howard: What? Duck is bitten.

Randy: But he's not. He's not bitten. And I'm really disappointed with you, you know.

Howard: Well, that's for making us been kicked from the farm and it's my own opinion, Cunningham. You can't change that.

Randy: It's not like I'm going to ninja out or what. They're will found out I'm disappeared.

Howard: Well maybe you should talk to Nomicon instead

Howard walks to Lee

Howard: So what do we do?

Lee: Let's go inside.

Howard: Man, I hate doing something.

Lee: Well you need to, Howard.

Lee points to the room next to Lilly and Larry. He opens the door and he looks sad when he looks down at a bed which is surrounded by blood and the bed is covered by a sheet. Randy and Howard and Clem are behind Lee.

Lee: I can't... I can't think about them like this.

Randy: Can't think about who?

Lee:... No one.

Randy: Ok then.

Lee looks down and he sees a photo. A photo of himself and his family. He takes the photo and smiles at it and then he looks sad and he rips the part of the photo where he is in. Suddenly...

Carley: Found anything?

Lee looks shocked, he turns to Carley and drops the piece of the photo.

Lee: It's a photo I found. Maybe it can help us with the keys.

Carley: I know who you are.

Lee is shocked and so are Randy and Howard and they decide to listen.

Carley: You're Lee Everett, you were a professor at Athens who killed a state senator who was sleeping with your wife.

Lee: How do you-

Carley: I'm a reporter from WABE from Atlanta. I saw your trial, you may be a murderer but I don't really care. That's a skill that might come in handy later.

Lee: Hm.

Randy and Howard were shocked when they heard this. Lee was a murderer and they never knew that but he doesn't like the type of guy to kill someone with joy.

Carley: Does anybody know who you are or that you are tied to this place?

Lee: No.

Carley: Good... You seem like an ok guy, and the last thing we need is drama out there. You got these kids to take care, don't make me wrong on this.

Lee: I don't plan to.

Carley: Good, cause if this keeps longer and you're a detriment to the group, then we might have a problem.

Lee: I hear you.

Carley: I'm gonna keep this to myself.

Lee: Thanks.

Carley:... Don't worry about it.

Carley leaves the room. Randy then talk with Lee.

Randy: So you actually killed somebody before.

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