Family Reunited

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The scenes show the PA system room, which had many pieces of PA system equipment and a microphone on the table. While other groups wait outside, look at Viceroy, Lee, Randy, and Howard at the PA system room window.

Lee: That's a lot of equipment, and I'm surprised you still had electricity running in this town, Mr. Viceroy.

Viceroy: Let's just say that we had our electric power industry to run this town.

Lee: Man...

Randy: That is so bruce!

Howard: I know right.

Lee: Let's not get too excited, boys.

Then Viceroy turned on the microphone and looked at Lee, Randy, and Howard.

Viceroy: Okay, now what announcement should I make to everyone?

Meanwhile, the group who were outside the PA System room looked out the window as Viceroy was making an announcement.

Viceroy(Speakerphone): Attention to Norrisville. For the families who lost their teenage child three months ago, we had six of them here. If you had a child named Randy Cunningham, Howard Weinerman, Theresa Fowler, Debbie Kang, Bucky Hensletter, or Douglas, please come to the outside PA System room and claim your child right now.

Viceroy repeated the announcement.

Viceroy: I repeat, if you had a child named Randy Cunningham, Howard Weinerman, Theresa Fowler, Debbie Kang, Bucky Hensletter, or Douglas, please come to the outside PA System room and get your child back right now.

Carley: I just hope your parents will be here soon.

Theresa: Yeah.

The group saw Viceroy finish his announcement and was about to turn off the mic. Suddenly, Howard pushed Viceroy aside, making him fall to the ground and make a ridiculous announcement.

Howard(Loudspeaker): Attention to Norrisville! This is Howard Weinerman, and today I'm offering my farts!

Randy(Loudspeaker): Howard! NOOOOO!

Ben: What the fuck?

The group sees Howard get his butt near the microphone and then release the huge fart. It was so hard, resulting in a horrible odor inside the PA system room. As Viceroy, Lee, and Randy were trapped inside the room, gagging and forced to smell it, the group looked at the scenes and reacted awkwardly. Carley is just facepalming.

Christa: Well, that was awkward.

Omid: Okay, I never thought he would do that.

Debbie: What an idiot!

Ben: Man, Howard is fucking weird.

Debbie: So does Randy!

Theresa: You will get used to them anyway, Ben.

Molly talks to Douglas(rc9gn)

Molly: Jesus, is this how teenage boys do these days?

Douglas(rc9gn): Yeah, Molly.

Molly: That's what I thought.

Then Lee, Viceroy, and Randy's voices can be heard from the loudspeaker.

Lee(Loudspeaker): HOWARD, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Randy(Loudspeaker): Shnasty! I can't breathe!

Viceroy(Loudspeaker): The window! Open the window!

Lee quickly opens the window, and the horrible smells escape from the opened window as Lee, Viceroy, and Randy take a breath. The group, on the other hand, accidentally sniffs Howard's fart, and most of them react by gagging. Howard said.

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