Trapped inside the Attic

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The group is in the attic. Ben then gave Lee his gun, which he dropped.

Ben: Here, um... I'm not good with these. You dropped it down there.

Lee then took his guns from Ben's hand.

Carley: That could've gone better.

Theresa: Is everybody okay?

Kenny: Lee's still bitten.

Christa: Shut up.

Debbie: We have to get out of here and find a way to get out of the attic.

Kenny: Kid's right; we've gotta keep moving. Think there's any chance we get Clem and Howard and catch up to those goddamn thieves?

Lee: I don't know... Maybe.

Randy: All we know is that the kidnapper is a woman.

Kenny: It's good to know that.

Doug(twdg): I hate to tell you bad news, guys, but we're not going out through this window. No latches, no roof access, and thirty feet straight down.

Douglas(rc9gn): Has anyone had any ideas?

Omid walks over to a statue head.

Omid: I bet this guy would. He's got a resourceful air about him.

Christa: Knock it off.

Omid: Dixon Kent the third, industrial-

Christa: OMID!

Omid: Christa, just trying to lighten the fucking tone

Christa: We need SOLUTIONS, not stupid jokes! I'm sorry...

Carley: So no ideas, then?

Randy: What do we do now?

Kenny: Well, we've got to do something. We're alive, but we'll go fucking crazy up here.

Debbie: Check the floor for any other access, a vent, or anything.

Lee began coughing and sweating. Carley then put her hands on his forehead to check.

Carley: You're not looking great. And you're warm.

Lee: I'm okay, don't

Suddenly, Clementine's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Clementine: Lee? Randy?

Then Howard's voice is heard through the walkie-talkie. Lee grabbed it, and Randy came along.

Lee: Clementine, Howard Are you two okay?

Howard: We're okay. We're in the Marsh house, and—Oh no!

The transmission ends. Lee grabs the walkie-talkie.

Lee: Clem! Howard!

Debbie: What did that mean?

Randy: Clementine and Howard are at the Marsh House, where Clem's parents were staying; she hasn't moved them.

Kenny: Yet.

Carley: Yeah. Yet.

Randy: Well, we have to get out of here, get to the Marsh House, and rescue them!

Kenny: We need to start thinking about more than just Clementine and Howard when it comes to our urgency.

Theresa: What?

Omid: What do you mean?

Douglas(rc9gn): How do we get out of here?

Omid: That's the whole point; we don't know.

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