In Ben's House

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In Ben's house, Lee, Clementine, Bucky, and Ben are staring around the house. Lee looked around. They're in the living room now. It was very messy, and it has a couch with a TV against the wall. Bucky saw a picture on the desk. It was Ben's family photo, with his parents and his sister, who look about 10 and 11. Ben decided to call his family to see if they were at home or not.

Ben: I'm home! Mom? Dad? Melody? Hello? Anyone here?

Bucky: Hello, we're here to send Ben here!

Lee: If anybody's here, we're not going to hurt you!

Bucky asked while looking around if anybody else was around, but no one answered or showed up as well. Bucky looked at Ben, who just seemed beyond scared. He seemed terrified and sad. Bucky lifts his knee and tries his best to put his hand on Ben's shoulder since Ben is way taller than Bucky, but with no success, so Bucky pats Ben's back instead.

Bucky: Come on, Ben. You can't lose hope; they must be around somewhere. Right?

Ben: Maybe...

Ben's voice was glum, which concerned Bucky. Lee was about to comfort them when a small crashing noise made the three males turn around quickly. Clementine was opening cabinet doors in the kitchen, and one of the plates fell down. Clementine looks at the boys and apologizes.

Clementine: I'm sorry. I thought I saw something moving, so I checked, and a plate just fell down, but luckily I didn't get hurt.

Lee runs to Clementine and checks on her to make sure she didn't get hurt. While The boys took a deep breath as they thought the walker had just broken into the house.

Lee: I'm glad you're not hurt, but Clem, if you saw something suspicious, just tell me next time, okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Then Bucky looked at Ben and suggested

Bucky: How about we search the place? Maybe your family is just hiding or something.

Ben: Guys, If you don't mind, I think I'd rather go look for them myself.

Ben said meekly:

Lee: By yourself? No way am I letting you go out on your own! Who knows what kind of bad thing could be waiting for you inside this house?

Ben: But Lee, this is my house, my family. I have to do this. Just me.

This is something I have to do.

Just then, Lee almost opened his mouth to say something, but Bucky got into the conversation.

Ben: He's right; I think he should go by himself. This is his house, after all.

Lee: What?!

Lee was shocked, looking at both of them like they were crazy. It's okay if Bucky sides with Ben, but this is getting ridiculous.

Lee: You're kidding me, right? I can't leave him alone! He's just a kid!

Bucky: He's not a kid anymore. He's 18 now.

Lee: What?

Bucky: His 18th birthday was yesterday. So can you let him do it on his own, Lee?

Lee signed in disbelief and said,

Lee: He's maybe 18, but that doesn't mean he's the most stable person right now.

Ben begged.

Ben: Please, Lee, I promise I'll be careful.

Lee clenched his fist in anger as he was just about to make some sense to Ben, but then Clementine held his right hand, and Lee looked at her. Clementine's sad expression shows that Lee knows too well that she wanted Lee to let Ben do it on his own. Lee let out a sigh of defeat.

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