In The Abandoned Classroom

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Lee, Randy, and Molly go back to the central area of the school; Lee and Randy go down to the open roof while Molly stays.

Lee: Come on.

Molly: Later. Something I've got to do first.

Lee and Randy: What?

Molly: Catch you guys later.

Randy: Wait! You've still got the battery!

Molly: Yeah, I think I'll hold onto it. Make sure you guys don't leave without me. See you guys back in class!

Lee: Molly!

Randy: Seriously! It's not like we'll leave you behind!

Lee: Goddammit! What the hell is she doing?

Randy: I don't know, but I hope she comes back with the battery.

Lee and Randy decided to walk to the hallway and find Vernon and Christa trying to open the nurses' room.

Randy: Hey, what are you two doing?

Christa: What does it look like? We're trying to open the nurses' room.

Lee: You guys need any help with the door?

Vernon: Thanks, but I think we can do this without your help.

Randy looked around and asked

Randy: Where's Bucky? Is he supposed to be with you guys?

Christa: I told him to find something that could open the door. But it took him too long to get it. Can you guys tell him that if he doesn't find it, that's okay? We can open this door any minute now.

Randy: Sure. I'll be looking for him.

Lee and Randy walk to the hallway looking for Bucky, but there's no sign of him, so they decide to go to the classroom, where Howard, Clementine, and Ben stay. When they went to the classroom, they found Bucky talking to Ben about something.

Clementine: You guys are back.

Howard: About time—what took you guys so long?

Randy: This mission isn't simple, Howard.

Bucky: Oh hey, I'm just come here trying to find something to pry open the nurses' room but I didn't find anything in the classroom or everywhere. Sorry.

Randy: Figure...

Howard: Yeah, yeah, but did you guys get a battery?

Randy: Molly has the battery, but she had to go somewhere else to do a quick errand.

Howard: Ugh, couldn't she at least give us the battery?

Randy: She kept it to make sure we wouldn't leave her behind.

Howard: Dumb...

Lee: I'll go inform Christa and Vernon. You two stay here with others.

Randy and Bucky: Okay.

Clementine: Where are you going?

Lee: I'm going to find Vernon and Christa. Don't worry, sweet pea. I'll be back in a minute.

Lee gets out of the classroom and then continues down the hall back towards the nurses room, only to be interrupted as he passes the front door, where Kenny, Douglas (rc9gn), and Brie will rush in, racing to escape the group of walkers that were following them.

Kenny: Little help here?!

Douglas(rc9gn): Lee! Help!

Lee helped three of them shut the front door, but one of Walker's heads blocked the front door.

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