Forgive and De-Stank

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As they ran to the train, Howard, Kenny, Clementine, Lee, and Molly saw the group (Christa, Omid, Doug (twdg), Carley, Douglas (rc9gn), Bucky, Theresa, and Debbie) waiting for them.

Doug (twdg): Look, they're back.

Debbie: Finally, you guys are here.

Carley: Shit, are you guys okay?

Kenny: We're not okay. We're almost captured by...

Christa: By that monster?

Molly: Yeah, how did you guys know that?

Omid: We saw it too a few minutes ago.

Bucky: Yeah, and we saw Ninja as well, but with a different color suit this time.

The group then looked at Lee, who was now in great shape.

Carley: Lee?!

Carley looked at Lee very closely, as she couldn't believe her eyes that Lee was completely healthy now.

Christa: You're still alive and healthy too?

Carley then touches Lee's forearm to check if he's warm or not.

Carley: And he wasn't as warm as before? What happened?

Then Omid sniffs the group, as they smell awful thanks to walker's blood.

Omid: And you guys smell... awful...

Howard: Shut up, Omid.

Molly: You guys may find it hard to believe, but the ninja just cured Lee with something.

Kenny: Yeah, and it's a mysterious Elixir we don't even know about. But at least we know Lee was cured.

Clementine: Yeah, and I'm happy to have him back!

Howard: Yeah, but before that, we had to wait for Cunningham first.

Then the group looked down as if they needed to tell Howard that Randy was gone because of what happened.

Christa: Howard? I know you're sad to hear this, but...

Howard: But what?

Christa: Randy is gone.

Howard: What?

Christa: He sacrificed his life to save me when I was trapped inside the dark room, and we don't know what happened to him, but I knew he was gone.

Howard knew Randy was still alive because he was the ninja, but Howard had to pretend to feel devastated by falling onto his knee and shedding crocodile tears to make sure the group didn't feel suspicious of him.

Howard: NOOO! My best friend is gone! Gone!

Carley: I know, and we're sorry.

Theresa then cries again as she thinks about Randy's unknown fate. Debbie confronts her. As they were about to say something, Yellow Ninja Randy was thrown to the ground near the train.

Douglas(rc9gn): Ninja?

Then the group can hear and see Stanked Ben coming this way, which makes the group scream in fear.

Lee: Oh no! Run!

Just as the group was about to leave the boxcar and run for their lives, Stanked Ben grabbed Kenny by the claw very quickly.

Lee: Shit! Kenny!

Theresa: Oh no! He got Kenny!

Kenny: Fuck! Help me!

Then Yellow Ninja Randy stood up and was about to attack Stanked Ben. Before he could do that, he heard Stanked Ben talk for the first time in his monster form. It was so loud that even the group could hear it.

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now