The Argument

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Chapter 7

In the RV, everybody was trying to calm themselves down after what happened at the motor inn.

Kenny: KAT! Jesus, are you ok?!

Katjaa: I'm fine, I'm fine!

Howard: What just happened, now?!

Ben: Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit-

Ben turns to Lilly and apologize

Ben:... I'm sorry.

Randy: Sorry?

Bucky: Everything's fine, Ben.

Lilly: Everything's not fine. We have to figure out how this happened.

Doug(twdg): But nobody died. We're okay, right? Katjaa, you're okay?

Theresa: Nobody's left behind and I still have my twirling stick with me.

Lilly: We just lost everything.

Kenny: Well We're lucky as shit to have this RV!

Douglas(rc9gn): And we still have our health!

Kenny: Kat's head is split open!

Katjaa: I'm fine!

Lilly begins to talk to the group.

Lilly: Somebody in here caused this.

Kenny: Settle down back there: The bandits have had our number for weeks!

Debbie: I agree with Kenny. Those bandits are getting smarter and smarter, you know.

Lilly: This is different. Someone has been working with them. Whoever it was slipping them our meds. They didn't get their last package, so they attacked.

Kenny: Calm down back there! That's nuts!

Lilly: Lee and Randy found a bag of supplies hidden outside the wall!

Howard staring at Lee and Randy.

Lee: It's true.

Randy: Yeah...

Lilly: So... Carley, Debbie. Is there something you both want to say?

Debbie: What?!

Carley: Please.

Doug(twdg): Uh, Lilly, let's think about this logically, no?

Lilly: LOGICALLY? A reporter and a midget highest IQ teenage girl who could have EASILY been a plant? I think that's pretty LOGICAL, DOUG.

Howard: Yeah, I think it's Debbie Kang.

Randy: Howard!

Lilly turns and glares at Carley and Debbie

Lilly: We have to get it out of you two then?

Carley: Back off.

Debbie: You're just playing dumb.

Lilly: You two are in no position to make demands.

Carley: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're just pointin' your finger

Theresa: Debbie would never do such a thing! She's my best friend!

Lilly: I didn't just come up with this. I had my suspicions.

Kenny: Probably not the best time, Lilly.

Lilly: If not now! When! Look at what just happened!

Randy: Debbie and Carley are trustworthy! They're not traitors, Lilly.

The Wonkin' Dead (RC9GN & TWDGS1 crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu