Bus To Norrisville

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The group (except Randy, Christa, Clementine, Doug(twdg), and Ben) goes outside and then to the bus luggage storage, where they store boxes of guns and weapons. The adults already have some weapons and melee. And then they turn into teens.

Lee: Okay, kids, let's start with choosing a gun and weapon first.

Howard, Debbie, Theresa, Bucky, and Douglas(rc9gn) look at the weapons. Debbie picked one first; it was a submachine gun with a silencer on it.

Debbie: Norrisville doesn't allow their citizens to own guns unless they have a license, but... I don't mind at all.

Howard is next, and he takes an autoshotgun.

Howard: Oh honk yeah, I'm taking an auto shotgun.

Theresa picked up a gun, and it was a pistol.

Theresa: I'm taking a pistol; I was afraid of using a bigger gun.

Debbie: Seriously, girl. Still didn't get used to bigger guns, huh?

Bucky: I'm with Theresa on this one. I'm taking a pistol as well. Zing!

Howard: What a bunch of shoobies...

Lastly, Douglas (rc9gn) was next, and he struggled to choose which guns he had to use, like a girl who wanted to pick which clothes she should wear for a date.

Douglas(rc9gn): Oh, I choose this one. Oh wait, this one No no no no, this one. I want them all! Seriously. I want every gun in this box.

Howard and Debbie rolled their eyes as Bucky and Theresa laughed a bit.

Bucky: Hehehehe, Douglas(rc9gn), listen to you. You sound like my mom.

Then Kenny looked at the teens and said,

Kenny: Are you kids done with your gun choices here or just want to waste some time?

The teens look at Kenny and show him a weapon in their hands. Douglas(rc9gn) then pick Desert Eagle.

Douglas(rc9gn): Niceee.

Then Molly walked to the teens and said,

Molly: And do you guys have melee weapons in this box?

Kenny: Yeah, why do you ask?

Molly: Because you guys needed some melee weapons just in case you ran out of ammo.

Douglas(rc9gn): She's got a point, though.

Howard: Shut up, Douglas! Oh! I wish you were dead!

Douglas(rc9gn) looks down in shame and Carley glares at Howard.

Carley: I warned you.

Debbie: That's enough. Better pick up a melee weapon too.

Theresa: I already have my baton twirl. So I'm good.

Then Howard, Douglas(rc9gn), Debbie, and Bucky choose a melee weapon. Howard and Bucky took a knife; Debbie took a dagger; and Douglas(rc9gn) chose a machete.

Howard: And I take this gun for Cunningham as well. I think that's all we had. Let's get on the bus. NORRISVILLE, HERE I COME!

The group goes inside the bus and gets into their seats. Christa manages to patch Randy up, and Doug(twdg) starts the bus engine and begins to leave Stone Mountain for Norrissville. As the group left the town on a bus, Bucky, who was sitting in the backseat with Ben, noticed him look out the bus window, seeing his hometown for the last time with a sad look on his face.

Bucky: Ben, are you alright? Do you want to talk?

Ben: I can't believe my family is really gone. I feel like this is a punishment for killing Kenny's family.

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