No Time Left

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Episode 5 No Time Left

The scene shows the train outside of Savannah and the town full of walkers hoarded around. In the morgue, the group (Lee, Randy, Christa, Omid, Ben, Doug(twdg), Carley, Douglas(rc9gn), Bucky, Theresa, and Debbie) are inside trying to find Clementine and Howard. Lee realizes that they are somewhere else in the city. Lee and Randy are talking with a woman on the walkie-talkie.

Lee: Please don't hurt them.

Randy: Yeah. We'll do anything you want; just don't hurt them.

Voice: Hurt them? I just wanted the ninja to come here.

Lee: What?

Lee was confused by her words, but Randy was shocked that she wanted the ninja. Randy knew he wanted to go ninja, but not in front of the group or where Clementine and Howard were.

Lee: I don't know what you're talking about, but

The woman in the walkie-talkie suddenly said

Voice: There's an ocean of the dead between you and your group and me and them, and if I can. *Creepy giggle* Thank me for that.

The call ends, and Lee and Randy look at each other in disbelief.

Randy: Lee...

Lee: She better not hurt them.

Christa: This is bad, but we can deal with it together. We're going to need to hurry.

Bucky: Don't worry, Lee. We'll get to them.

Randy looks at Lee's left wrist, which had a Walker bite mark.

Randy: Is your hand okay, Lee?

Lee: Not great. My hand is hot, and it's thumping a little bit.

Theresa: And you're still alive. That's something.

Douglas(rc9gn): True that.

Debbie: We don't have a lot of time, Lee. We have to do something about your hand.

Lee: I know, Debbie.

Suddenly, the horde of walkers can be heard from the sewer; the group turns their backs, and the walkers are approaching the door.

Doug(twdg): Oh no, they're coming.

Bucky: Walkers!

Carley: We all make sure those walkers won't get in. Try to find another way out of here.

Lee: Okay, but I need a backup.

Christa: Douglas(rc9gn), Debbie, and Randy can help you out.

Douglas(rc9gn), Debbie, and Randy: Okay

Some of the group (Christa, Omid, Carley, Doug(twdg), Ben, Bucky, and There) guard the door to prevent walkers from getting in while Lee, Randy, Douglas(rc9gn), and Debbie try to find a way out.

Randy: So, how do we get out of here?

Lee: Hmmm. I noticed that there is an elevator over there. Maybe we can use that.

Debbie: But we need something to pry open it. The elevator cannot open itself without electricity.

Douglas(rc9gn) checks the cabinets for some tools and finds a rib spreader.

Douglas(rc9gn): Hey guys, I found a rib spreader. I know it looks like a carjack, but this one is used on the human body. Kind of amusing, right? *Evil giggle*

Debbie: Douglas (rc9gn), you're scaring me.

Randy: You've got a problem, man. deep-down problem.

Lee: Ugh, I don't want to imagine this being used on a body.

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