"What? Nothing to say now?"

"What do you want with me?"

"Why in such a rush, sweetheart?"

"Don't call me sweetheart."

"We've got plenty of time on our hands," she continues as if I had never said anything. "And I bet you're glad to be away from all the boy stench for a change. We all need a bit of girl time, right?"

I would be if there were another one here.

The remark would've rolled off my tongue so easily, but I restrained myself.

"Karai, why did you bring me here?" I demand, getting more impatient. "And where is here?"

"You really think I'm gonna tell you that?" She scoffs. "I'm the one who's gonna be getting the information here."

I know whatever it is she really wants, I can't give to her. Whether because it's too important or because I hardly know anything at all, I just can't give it to her.

"I hope for your sake you cooperate sooner rather than later. I'd hate to have to give you anymore motivation." I jump in my seat when I hear the loud and sudden crackle of electricity again, cringing at the sound as the robot holds it dangerously close to me. "Or, ya know... don't. It's your choice really and either way it's a fun outcome for me."

"What is it you really want?" I snap again out of nervousness. My heart races in response to the reminder.

"Like I said, I need information. But I think I'd like to play with you a bit before we get into all that. Footbot!"

The robot stands at attention and my entire being suddenly prickles with unease. I pray she doesn't make it shock me again.

"Give our guest another warming welcome, will you?"

To my own surprise and disgust, I opened my mouth to plead them not to, but not a word could get out before I felt another burning, crackling, sharp prickling sensation breakout all across my skin and fry it. My throat practically tears itself apart as a strangled yelp erupts from the pit of my gut.

"400 volts." Karai's voice rings. I pant deeply, not being able to get enough air in and out of my lungs quick enough. "Stick around here long enough and you just might get used to it at some point."

I shut my eyes and my head rolls around weakly, too drained to hold itself up. My body lays limp against the chair. I feel like crying again as the pain lingers and re-familiarizes itself with my body again. After every shock, my skin becomes more tender and sensitive, making the next shock hurt ten times worse. And I'm sure she knows that.

"So, again, Y/n, I'll ask: have you ever been tortured before?"

She asks the question slowly, making it clear that she expects an answer or else. The fact that she's genuinely asking and expects me to answer makes me realize how real this is. That she's asking for a reason.

"N... n-no." I respond quietly, shivering under the pain.

"Good girl," she mocks fake approval. "Because I wanted to be sure that I was the first to introduce you to the experience."

"Whatever it is you want to know... I doubt I can give it to you." I nearly blurt from growing anxiety, but I was too weak to talk above a mumble and without panting. "They never told me much. They... they never even let me see how to get there. So this wouldn't happen."

"Oh, right. So in case there was ever an emergency you wouldn't be able to get back home, right? Makes sense." The question drips with sarcasm, letting me know that she clearly doesn't believe me.

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