36 - Deku vs. Kacchan

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!! Some Angst !!

As soon as we arrived back to Heights Alliance, everyone changed into their comfy and casual wear and chilled out in the lobby. However, I decided to head back up to my room and lie on my bed. I take a deep breath and turn over onto my side, facing the wall.

"Hey, furry," I hear Katsuki whisper to me. "You're not sleeping, are you?"

"No..." I mumble. I turn over to face him and proceed to sit up. He appears to have a serious look on his face. "Is everything okay?"

"Tch... I should be asking you that."

I chuckle. "We can talk about me later. Now, what's going on? I've never really seen you this serious before..."

". . . Meet me out front later on tonight."

I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Okay, but...why?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." He seems to be taken aback by my immediate answer.

"Then do what I tell you to. If I think you're oversleeping, I'll come get you." Katsuki walks away from my bed and gently closes my door, leaving my room.


- That Night -

As promised, I meet with Katsuki by the front doors of Heights Alliance. However, he requests that I stay a distance away from him, as he told Izuku to meet with him out front here as well. Even though it sounds confusing, I do as he asks. Izuku finally comes out and I proceed to hide behind trees while the three of us are walking.

Izuku keeps asking him where they were going, and that they shouldn't be outside at around midnight. Knowing he won't get an answer from Katsuki anytime soon, Izuku stops asking questions and continues following him. We eventually reach Ground Beta. While Izuku and Katsuki are out in the open, I hide in a small alleyway.

"This is... Ground Beta..." Izuku mumbles.

"This is the place where we had our first combat training where I fought and lost to you," Katsuki reminds him. He's facing away from Izuku. "You've always made me sick. You were Quirkless and useless, so how'd you get into U.A, and how'd you get a Quirk? I didn't understand this guy that said some stuff that made no sense and then looked satisfied with himself and just kept on climbing up, higher and higher... Ever since that sludge villain... No, since All Might came to town... Higher and higher...until finally for the provisional license, you passed, but I failed. What the hell? Huh?"

I have a feeling on where this is gonna go...

"That's not a matter of ability, but--" Izuku starts to say.

"Shut up and listen, damn scum!" Katsuki shouts at him.


"You've always made me sick and pissed me off. But that thing in Kamino helped me understand, kind of. I've been thinking about it this whole time." He turns to face Izuku. "You got it from All Might, didn't you? Your power." My eyes widen in shock and slight fear.


Izuku says nothing.

"The boss villain, apparently he could steal people's Quirks and give them to other people," Katsuki says. "It's hard to believe, but one of those old cat ladies lost her Quirk and can't work anymore. After you met All Might, you changed, and then All Might lost his power. What All Might said after he beat the boss villain...

"Back then, you were the only one who took it differently. Thinking about how those Nomu scum had multiple Quirks, it seems pretty credible. Besides...All Might and that boss bastard knew each other. Quirks could move from one person to another, and All Might knew the guy who could do it, so it all connected to what you said about receiving your Quirk from someone. I asked All Might about it. But he wouldn't answer me. That's why I'm asking you."

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