22 - Katsuki Bakugo: Origin

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"Team Sato, Kirishima, and Sasaki, practical exam," a male voice announces from the intercom. "Ready, go!"

Rikido, Eijiro, and I take off from the front gate and run along the streets towards the exit gate on the other side of the small city set up. I take a deep breath and make my arms and legs into that of a wolf's. I get on all fours and manage to keep up with their pace.

"For this exam, we'll definitely get a higher score by capturing rather than running, right?" Eijiro asks.

"I think so," Rikido answers.

"I don't think we should risk--"I begin to say. Suddenly, a giant wall cuts off our running, making us jump back a few feet.

"Mr. Cementoss moves slowly," Eijiro points out. He hardens his arms and hands. "Let's break through from the front and aim for a high score!"

"All right!" Rikido exclaims while swallowing ten grams of sugar. He immediately bulks up after doing so. "Sasaki, go ahead and try and find a route to sneak past him." Eijiro and Rikido rush straight towards Cementoss, leaving me behind.

This isn't exactly what we discussed, guys!

"You came from the front after all, huh?" Cementoss says. He makes multiple walls at once in front of Eijiro and Rikido.

"Let's go, Sato!" Eijiro exlcaims.

"All right!!" Rikido shouts.

They both punch one of the walls at the same time, eventually making it crumble down. After that one, there's a couple rows of walls Cementoss has made. Eijiro and Rikido begin to punch down each wall in separate rows, leaving behind a massive layer of smoke in its wake. With all the smoke in the air, I sneak off into a nearby alleyway, hoping Cementoss didn't notice me.

I inhale through my nose and make my wolf ears appear instead of my human ones. I quietly take my time going through the alleyways while keeping an eye and ear out for anything that might happen to Eijiro, Rikido, or Cementoss.

"This is never ending, man!" I hear Eijiro shout in frustration. "No matter how many I break, they just keep coming!"

"I'm sleepy... I'm tired..." I hear Rikido say tiredly. I narrow my eyes in concern.

So, he has a time limit with his Quirk, too...

"Hey, keep trying!" Eijiro shouts at him.

"I'm sleepy..." Rikido keeps saying.

"I-I'm running out of breath..." I hear a bunch of concrete and cement collide with one another.

"You're both extremely weak in a war of attrition," I hear Cementoss lecture. "Listen, in a fight, you have to see just how much you can push the things you're good at." I hear him get up from the ground.


I quickly run through the remainder of the alleyway and make my way towards the exit gate with Nezu's face on the overhead. I feel the vibrations and see walls coming at me from the corner of my eye. I push myself to run faster to avoid tripping over the walls Cementoss is creating.

Right before I get to the gate, a giant wall erupts from the ground. I curse under my breath and quickly inhale through my nose, getting my tail to come out. I twist my body around to swing my tail at the concrete wall, leaving a massive crack behind. I land on the ground to feel a couple of walls start to form underneath my feet. As I feel myself going up, I take a deep breath and transform into a full wolf.

Before I rose up too far, I jumped off halfway before the wall skyrockets upward and towards the wall guarding the exit gate. I bash my head against the wall, ultimately making the wall collapse and leave rubble behind. I feel some blood come down my face, but I push myself to leap towards the other side of the exit gate. I hear a little cheerful chime as I roughly land on my feet, slightly staggering a bit.

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