02 - What I Can Do For Now

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I fix my shoulder length auburn hair by combing it out with my fingers. I adjust my tie and the belt on my pants. I put on my black shoes, grab my backpack, and grab the door handle. I smile as I hear my parents' soft snores. I twist the handle and head out the door. I make haste down the stairs. When I made it to the bottom, I start running through my neighborhood and towards U.A High.

Once I made it past the gates, I head inside the school and begin walking up a couple flights of stairs. I carefully look around the clean hallways to make sure I didn't pass my classroom. I look to my left and see an extremely tall brown door with 1-A in bold red font. I take a deep breath and open the door. My shoulders slump when I see there's no one else inside.

Guess I'm here too early...


I close the door behind me and look at the desks that are aligned. The front doesn't appeal to me, and neither does being against the wall. I glance over at the giant desk in front of the chalkboard to see a paper already out. I walk over to it and realize it's a seating chart. I try to find my name on here, but...

"Are you Kaoru Sasaki?" I hear a deep monotonous voice ask me. I quickly glance back and forth beside me, not seeing anyone in plain sight. "Down here." I look down and see a man with long black hair and a stubble inside a comfy yellow sleeping bag. "Answer my question."

"Y-Yes, I am..." I answer hesitantly. "You must be Mr. Aizawa, right?"

He hums in response. "You're correct." He swiftly stands up while still being in the sleeping back, looking at me with a dead expression on his face. "I had been recently informed of you being in my class, so I haven't received a desk and chair for you yet. I apologize for not being prepared."

"O-Oh, that's fi--"

"While I go retrieve such material, feel free to stand wherever you wish. You can take a nap for all I care until I get back." Mr. Aizawa steps out of his sleeping bag, wearing all black with a lengthy, light gray scarf wrapped around his neck. He opens the door and proceeds to leave the room.

I chuckle nervously and look around the room. I walk over towards the corner of the room, sit down, and lean against the wall. I allow myself to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.




"Don't put your feet up on the desk!" I hear a guy lecture.

"Huh?" I hear a familiar voice taunt. I groan internally and rub my eyes, wondering who's already fighting.

"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?" A guy with dark blue hair, blue eyes, glasses, and acts like a robot. Next.

"Nope! What junior high did you go to, you side character?" A guy with spiky blond hair and a bad attitude. Katsuki Bakugo. I roll my eyes and close them.

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you."

"'Crushing'? That's cruel! Do you truly aim to be a hero?" I don't hear them talk for a moment. I sniff a little and open my eyes. I look through some people's heads and see a familiar green haired neighbor. "Good morning!" Tenya marches his way over to Izuku, reintroducing himself before getting interrupted.

"I heard!" Izuku says nervously. "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida."

"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me."

Call My Name [Katsuki Bakugo x OC]Where stories live. Discover now