17 - Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears

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After the sports festival, I heard about what happened to Tenya's big brother on the news. There was an incident involving Ingenium in Hosu City, Tokyo. The escaping culprit had already killed 17 heroes in the past and hurt 23 heroes beyond recovery-- The elusive hero killer. Villain name: Stain.

Izuku hadn't heard anything from Tenya regarding this, but told me that Tenya's internship would be in Hosu City, where Ingenium had been attacked. I grow more worried for my parents, who haven't returned from work ever since I left for the sports festival. Aunt Inko only mentioned that they would be gone for a little while longer. I can't remember what city their work was assigned for. Hopefully it's anywhere other than Hosu City.

After my talk with All Might, I invited Izuku to my place to make him some food after all he's done for me. I offered Aunt Inko to come over, but she politely declined, saying she had some housework to take care of. Izuku and I ate our food and talked. Well, Izuku talked and I listened. He told me the specifics of his Quirk, One For All, and how he got it, how All Might is involved with Izuku and how All Might has a time limit with his Quirk-- Everything.

He's only tried to tell one other person about this, but he blew Izuku off. That person was Katsuki. Opposed to him, thinking that Izuku's joking, I believed Izuku, despite how impossible it sounded. I swore to him to keep his secret safe, and he appeared to have a weight lifted off of his shoulders. He could've told Aunt Inko about this, but with how much she worries about him, I can see why he didn't.

As much as I hate depending on people, I'm glad he can depend on me at times like this.


Currently, our class is gathered by the train station with our costumes in our hands. I put in a request to have boots with my hero costume, which they fulfilled, but they also gave me fingerless gloves as a bonus. They incorporated my fur into making these items, like they did with my costume and belt, so now I'll be able to transform without worry. Mr. Aizawa has dismissed us to allow us to board our trains.

"Hey, furry," I hear Katsuki call out to me. I turn around to look at him.

"Ah, Katsuki! Where are you heading off to?" I ask him.

"I'll be interning with Best Jeanist." I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?!"

"N-Nothing...!" I tone down my laughter. I smile at him. "I wish you nothing but the best, honestly." Katsuki's cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Fuck off! I don't need your wishes!" I roll my eyes and start to walk away from him. "What about you?" I stop walking and turn my head to face him.

"Gran Torino. He submitted his interest at the last minute, and he's the only pro hero I don't know much about."

"Huh? Why did you go with him, then?"

"Hm... I like a challenge!" I see Katsuki's eyes widen slightly. They didn't look harsh like they usually would, they looked more...surprised? Genuine?

"Kaoru! Are you ready to go?" I hear Izuku call out to me.

"Yeah! I'm coming!" I look at Katsuki. "Good luck! See you in a week!"

I take off without hearing his reply.


We're currently walking to Gran Torino's place by the instructions All Might gave Izuku and I.

"Gran Torino..." Izuku mumbles out. "I've never heard of him, but I'm sure he's an amazing person! I'm sure he's an amazing person!"

"Izuku, everything's going to be o...kay..." I say while stopping at the building where Gran Torino's supposed to live.

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