16 - Time To Pick Some Names

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After the sports festival, everyone went home to recover from their injuries, if they had any. Since I could barely walk, despite the healing I received from Recovery Girl, Izuku and I supported each other home. Taking it slow and with one step at a time.

As soon as I got home, I went straight to bed, not noticing if my parents are home or not. The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I rub my eyes and carefully walked over to the door, looking through the peephole. Joy overcomes me as I quickly and carefully open the door.

"Auntie!" I greet with happiness.

"Good morning, Kaoru," Aunt Inko greets with a smile. "Would you like to come over for breakfast?" I nod without a second thought.

We head over to her apartment and I walk towards the dinner table. I look to see Izuku already trying to eat with his left hand, his right arm is in a sling. Aunt Inko pulls up an extra chair next to Izuku so I can sit next to him.

"Good morning, Kaoru," Izuku says with a smile.

"Good morning! Do you need some help?" I ask warily. I sit down next to him as he chuckles nervously. I begin to help him cut up his food as an extra plate of food is placed in front of me.

"Aren't you sweet?" Aunt Inko says with a look of adoration. She takes a seat in front of us. "As I was saying before, seven times! Isn't that crazy?"

"Y-Yeah..." Izuku mumbles while continuing to struggle. I use my knife to help him gather the cut up pieces of food onto his fork.

"Ever since the cavalry battle, I lost consciousness seven times! The last two times were pretty much from dehydration."

"You were way more heroic than me, huh?" Izuku finally manages to eat some of his food.

"Of course. Suddenly hearing that you had a Quirk and having that Quirk be a super risky power—" Aunt Inko takes a bite of her food. "I'll support you, but that doesn't mean that I won't worry."


"Kaoru, that goes the same for you." I look up at her in confusion. "You have a fantastic Quirk, but with the way some people are, I can't help but worry about you and your family." I look down at my plate of food.


"Speaking of whom, I think I'll give them a call and see how they're doing!" Aunt Inko gets up from her seat and goes to her room to call them. Once I hear the door shut, I look over at Izuku.

"Izuku?" He hums in response while he's eating his food. "I actually need to talk to you about something..."

"Hm? About what?" Izuku asks, putting his fork down. He turns his head to give me his full attention.

"Your Quirk." I see his body tense up slightly. "It isn't like either of your parents' Quirks, and it is similar to All Might's... As far as I know, you're not related to him, and I don't think it's a coincidence that yours and his Quirks are similar... Some mornings before the semester started, I've seen you run out the door in a hurry while I was training, and you've never done anything that outgoing before... I guess what I'm trying to say is... Did All Might...somehow transfer his Quirk onto you?" Izuku looks at me in shock, surprise, and panic.

"K-Kaoru..." Izuku looks away from me, and balls his left hand into a fist. "I-I..." The look in his eyes tell me he's internally struggling.

"You don't have to tell me." He looks up at me in surprise with a little bit of relief. "Actually, forget I said anything." He attempts to reach out for me. "But..." He stops moving. "If, somehow, I'm right, I won't say anything to anyone. Not even to Aunt Inko. That I can promise you. Otherwise, if I'm wrong, then feel free to forget everything I said. I just..." I look away from him. "I just needed to get that off my chest, that's all..."

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