14 - Shoto Todoroki: Origin

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Shoto immediately uses his ice, which moves rapidly towards Izuku. With that assumption, Izuku holds his arm out and flicks his middle finger with his thumb, destroying the ice sending a blast of frozen wind towards one section of the audience. Shoto formed ice behind his back, making sure he doesn't move whenever Izuku uses that blast again. However, Izuku's middle finger is bruised from that attack. It's slowly going to become a cycle of creating ice and destroying it, damaging Izuku's fingers in the process.

I hear someone's quick footsteps as well as panting. I glance behind me to see Eijiro run down the stairs, but stops in the row Katsuki, Denki, Hanta and I are in.

"It started?!" Eijiro exclaims in slight disbelief.

"Eijiro, congrats on making it to the second round," I say to him. He turns to face me with a grin.

"Thanks, Sasaki! Oh yeah, I'll be up against you next, Bakugo. Let's have a good fight!"

"I'll kill you," Katsuki says bluntly.

Eijiro laughs. "I'd like to see you try! But man, you and Todoroki can both shoot off powerful attacks that cover a lot of ground! Like 'Bam!'"

"And you can do it with no time lag," Hanta says suspiciously.

"I'm not just shooting them off," Katsuki says. "Don't underestimate 'em. If you overuse your muscles, the muscle fibers tear, and if you keep running, you'll run out of breath. Isn't that right, furry?" The three guys look at me.

"Yeah..." I say earnestly. "Back at the USJ, I landed on some destroyed pieces of concrete that messed up my legs. I was able to push away the pain, but my muscles gave in. You remember, right, Eijiro?" He nods. "Quirks are physical abilities, too. Everyone has some kind of limit, including Izuku and Shoto."

"If I think about it like that, I guess that makes sense..." Eijiro agrees. "Then, against the instant-killer Todoroki, Midoriya wants..."

"An endurance match."

I look back at the match to see Izuku's fingers on his right hand bruised, with the exception of his thumb. Shoto creates an ice ramp from his feet to get closer towards Izuku. He flicks his left middle finger at Shoto, destroying the ice. Shoto dodges that attack and attempts to punch him, but Izuku dodges his attack. Since Shoto's fist came in contact with the ground, he has his ice rapidly move towards Izuku, capturing his foot in midair. Izuku uses his entire arm to punch the air, instantly destroying the ice and sending a gigantic wind towards the audience and Shoto. Of course, Shoto prevents himself to go beyond out of bounds by creating an ice shield for his back.

Izuku knows his limitations, he's voiced them to me multiple times. He still doesn't know how to control his Quirk properly yet. I haven't inquired him on how he obtained his Quirk, nor do I feel a need to at the moment. However, his Quirk isn't what either of his parents have. He can't breathe fire or draw small objects close to him. And with Tsu's comment a while back how his and All Might's Quirks were similar, one can only put two and two together. But transferring Quirks from someone not related to you is possible, is it?

As much as I want to dive deeper into this, that's a subject for another time.

On the other hand, if I hadn't eavesdropped on Izuku and Shoto's discussion earlier, I never would've guessed he had a weakness. More rather, a side of him he's ashamed of. Shoto's always been the quiet one in class, never opening himself to our classmates. I would only assume he doesn't want to burden us with his problems, or never felt a need to tell us his problems. Who am I to judge that? However, if he wants to win in this festival, he has to push aside those family matters and use his other side. Besides, one can only use ice for so long before getting hypothermia.

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