25 - Wild, Wild Pussycats

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Summer vacation has finally begun. Along with that, today's the first day of training camp. According to what Mr. Aizawa has said, we'll be going to camp with Class 1-B. However, when everyone got off the bus for camp, Class 1-B's bus didn't stop with ours. Actually, shouldn't they have been following us?

Our bus stopped over by a cliff side with a wooden fence. I walk over to the fence and see a sea of trees. The scenery is beautiful and all, but...where was the actual camp?

"There's no point stopping without a reason," Mr. Aizawa says to everyone. We all look at him in confusion.

"Hey, Eraser!" I hear a female voice say from the black car. Three people exit the vehicle wearing colorful clothing along with cat paws, with the exception of a little boy wearing a red horned hat.

Mr. Aizawa bows to them. "Long time no see."

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" a woman in red exclaims.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" a woman in blue says excitedly.

"Wild, Wild...Pussycats!" the two women announce while posing. If I remember correctly, the woman in red is Mandalay and the woman in blue is Pixie-Bob.

"These are the pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats."

"They're a hero team who set up a joint agency!" Izuku exclaims. "They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth workin--" The woman in blue quickly shuts Izuku's mouth shut with her paw.

"I'm 18 at heart!" Pixie-Bob argues. "At heart...?!"

"Y-You're 18!"

She sounds a little desperate...

"Greet them, everyone," Mr. Aizawa instructs us.

"Nice to meet you!" we all say to them.

"We own this whole stretch of land here," Mandalay says. "You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain." I look a little further at the forest and see the mountain she's talking about.

"Huh? Then why did we stop here?" Ochaco asks.

"Could this mean...?" Tsu starts to say.

We have to get to the camp on foot?

"It's 9:30 a.m. right now," Mandalay says. "If you're fast... Maybe around noon?" My classmates try to get back to the bus. "Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Aizawa says to us. "Training camp...has already begun."

Pixie-Bob uses her Quirk to make the ground beneath us rise up. I take a deep breath and transform my arms and legs into that of a wolf's. I jump from ground piece to ground piece to land myself safely on the ground down below the cliff.

"Hey! Since it's private land, you can use your Quirks as you wish!" Mandalay shouts to us. "You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through... The Beast's Forest!"

"That name sounds like it came right out of Dragon Quest!" Denki exclaims.

"U.A does stuff like this way too much," Kyoka points out.

"We can't really complain about this," I say. "We have to get going."

Suddenly, a large and tall ground creature emerges from within the trees. I get on all fours and get into a defensive stance. I look over to see Koji start to run towards the giant creature.

"Calm down, kind beast!" Koji exclaims. "Stay back!"

The creature ignores his pleas and swipes where Minoru's standing, but Izuku grabs Minoru and quickly moves him out of the way. Shoto uses his ice to make the creature stay in place. Tenya uses his Reciproburst to kick a piece of the creature. Katsuki destroys a part of the creature. To finish it off, Izuku punches the creature to oblivion.

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