fifty three

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Outside on the porch, Lucy sat on the railing, her orange maxi skirt blew in the breeze

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Outside on the porch, Lucy sat on the railing, her orange maxi skirt blew in the breeze. She sat with her head resting in her hands as she watched the boys play basketball with Donna. Eric was out getting gas for the Vista Cruiser to take Donna to the bus station the next night. Dramatically, Lucy sighed. When no one looked over, she sighed again.

"What's wrong?" Jackie asked, walking up from behind her, the rest of the gang stopping their game.

The blonde pouted, "Multiple things. This is Donna's last full day here. This is my last day as 17, young and sweet—" she began quoting ABBA before Kelso and Hyde groaned and tossed the basketball at her. "Knock it off!" the girl laughed with a shriek. "But seriously, I'm so bummed because I know that I'm literally not going to be doing anything exciting for my birthday."

The boys all looked between one another with stoic faces and nodded, "Want in on our plan?" Kelso asked.

"Hell yes!" Lucy cheered, jumping down from her spot. "Wait, what is it?" She asked before shrugging, "Ah hell, I don't care."

So the gang sat in the basement as the hours of the day slowly ticked away. Lucy smirked as her twin count down the seconds, "And midnight. So long 17, in the words of Alice Cooper I'm 18 and I like it."

"So long childhood, here we come semi-adulthood!" Lucy cheered, giving her brother a high five as he hopped over the back of the couch.

"Happy birthday, man!" Hyde smiled, smacking Eric on the back. "Happy birthday LSD."

"Let's give them their present!" Kelso shouted excitedly as the two boys farted over the the dryer. "It's a case of 23 beers!" Kelso announced. Causing the twins and Hyde to give him an incredulous look. "I deserved one, I carried it!" He defended, "12 for Eric and 11 for Luce since she's a lightweight."

"I am not!" She jumped up on the couch and leaned over to pick out one of the beers. After she took one, she held it for a moment before opening it, "Maybe a little—like a middleweight or something."

Eric popped open his beer tab and took a gulp, "Yeah that tastes like 18."

"Whoa, check out the new stereo!" Kelso said in awe. "Oh it plays records and 8 tracks, this thing's like right out of the future!"

"Yeah Donna gave it to me," Eric nodded, "I think she feels bad that she's going to college without me. So on the one hand I'm losing the girl that I've been in love with since I was 5 but on the other hand I get a crappy stereo."

"Score!" Kelso cheered, pumping his fists, "What? I mean she's going to dump you eventually. Rock and roll never dies," he said causally as he poorly shotgun his beer, spilling most of it on the couch.

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