forty three

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Stick to the plan and everything will work itself out was basically the gang's motto for the past couple of months

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Stick to the plan and everything will work itself out was basically the gang's motto for the past couple of months.

The plan was pretty simple, everyone had talked about it once English teachers had them start writing college essays. They would apply to schools across the state, but if they all got into University of Wisconsin, that's where they would go. For the couple, it was a bit of a compromise—the overachiever would only look in state and the underachiever would at least apply.

The blonde chose to leave out that she had already applied to out of state universities the previous summer to avoid worrying her friends over something that probably wouldn't even happen.

It was early-August, and school had just started, and everything was settling back to normal after everyone returned from California. The family was sitting at the table as Kitty set down the plates. Hyde and Lucy shoving eachother back and forth with their shoulders jokingly.

"So, is everyone ready for our big tour of the University of Wisconsin tomorrow?" Kitty asked cheerily.

"Ah yes, state colleges, creepy older classmen boys and communal bathrooms!" Lucy smiled.

"Oh, yeah, Donna and I have it all mapped out! She is going to buy a tight sweater with a big red W and I am going to watch her wear it!" Eric smiled which quickly dissipated when he saw Red's face, "And then we're going to buckle down!"

"Oh and Steven, I put out clean clothes for you to wear," Kitty said helpfully.

Hyde nodded, "Thanks Mrs. Forman, I'm already all packed," he said looking at Lucy out of the corner of his eye who was smiling victoriously—considering she had forced him to pack. "Even though I'm not the college type, I get all my learning on the streets."

"Whoa, you live a double life where you're cool and on the street?" Lucy asked, feigning shock.

Kitty shook her head, "I just can't believe my babies are all grown up and visiting college. I feel so freaking old!"

Eric sighed, "And menopause makes another unwelcome appearance at the dinner table."

"Oh, it's not unwelcome, it's liberating. Now my emotions just spill out!" Kitty laughed.

"Yeah, Mom, you're sweating all over your pork chop," Eric nodded awkwardly.

Lucy and the boys walked through the kitchen door with their bags before being stopped by Red, "Hold it you three, now before we hit the road, we need to have a talk about the horrible thing that's taken over your mother."

Eric nodded, "You mean her change of life?"

"I thought we were calling it the Lady's Part Problem," Hyde furrowed his eyebrows.

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