twenty five

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Lucy sat with the some of the guys in the basement playing cards

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Lucy sat with the some of the guys in the basement playing cards.

Jackie burst through the basement door in a frenzy, "Lucy! I just saw—I just—Michael, he's a rat, he's been cheating on me!"

"What? Well, surely there must be some sort of a mistake!" Eric yelled.

"It sure is a mind blower!" Hyde agreed.

Lucy hit them upside the head, "Eric! Steven! Shut up! Come here Jackie," Lucy pulled the younger girl into a hug.

"Well that's it, Michael and I are over," she said in shock.

"Really?" Fez jumped up, standing besides Lucy and Jackie. "And by over you mean?"

"I mean, over and done! Forever!" Jackie yelled, pulling back from the hug.

Lucy nodded, "That's the spirit!"

"And by forever you mean?" Fez asked again.

"And after everything I put up with! I mean, God, him taking Pam Macy to the prom, setting my house on fire, lying about Laurie. God!" Jackie yelled frustrated.

"To be fair, that's only the stuff you know about," Hyde pointed out.

Lucy turned around in shock with a look of disbelief as the other boys nodded. Jackie stormed out and Lucy chased after her.

"Jackie!" Lucy called after her friend, "I'll get ice cream and Donna, come on," she nodded towards Donna's house.

The three girls sat on the porch, ice cream tub being passed around.

"Guys, I know we're friends but would it have killed you to say Jackie, I know you love him, but Michael's a jerk?"

"Jackie, I think my exact words were I know you love him but Michael's a jerk," Donna said.

"Most boys are jerks," Lucy nodded.

"So...have you seen him since?" Donna asked.

"No, I mean, he's a liar and a cheater. Ugh maybe that's how all guys are," Jackie sighed.

Donna nodded, "I know how you feel. Like it's bad enough what Eric did to Mr. Bonkers, then he lied to me."

"Yeah," Jackie said, dragging out the word, "Eric put off telling you something because he didn't want to hurt you. Whoo! That is so much worse than him cheating on you with another woman. Oh wait, no it's not!"

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