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Everyone sat in the basement; Lucy bored as usual, looking through records since everyone was hogging the couch

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Everyone sat in the basement; Lucy bored as usual, looking through records since everyone was hogging the couch.

"Happy Veterans' Day!" Fez cheered, walking in, "Now where have you hidden the chocolate eggs?"

"Uh they're everywhere Fez start looking," Eric teased.

Jackie stood up from Hyde's chair and walked over to him by the freezer, "So Steven, isn't Veterans' Day romantic?"

"Oh yeah, government pawns and missing limbs. That's amore," Hyde said sarcastically.

Jackie sighed giddily, "I know, I know, it's a day for people in love to have fun together."

"You know all this talk about having fun makes me want to have fun," Kelso said, jumping up.

Lucy went to sit on Hyde's seat, grabbing a magazine, "All this talk about being in love makes me want to hurl."

"That too!" Kelso nodded, "Let's throw stuff at other stuff."

Eric stood up, "Man, that's perfect, I got stuff."

"I'm in!" Kelso smiled.

"Let's go!" Eric said, darting up the stairs and Kelso following after him.

"So Steven," Jackie said, patting his leg, "Would you like to go to Mr. Forman's barbecue with me?"

"Oh that's it, I'm going upstairs with the idiots," Lucy huffed, marching upstairs.

She walked out to the driveway where the boys were playing basketball.

"Is anyone else disgusted with how Jackie is pining after Steven? And has everyone else forgotten that he actually went to jail for her? Like, this is very disturbing!" Lucy sighed.

"It's not cool, man. Hyde is ruining my plans for getting back with Jackie," Kelso nodded.

"Well, why are you pissed off Luce?" Eric asked with a smirk.

Lucy bit her cheek in thought, catching the ball, "You and Donna are already going out! No more friends can date in The Circle!"

"Whatever you say!" Eric shrugged.

Lucy stood in the driveway, drinking a soda and talking to some boy who thought he stood a chance. Jackie brought another older boy in attempts to make Hyde jealous. The Forman's and Pinciotti's had some weird rivalry going on over whose barbecue would be better.

She was soon ushered in the kitchen by her mother to help with the forces in crushing Bob's barbecue. Lucy gathered more chips and made her way out, standing by Kelso and Fez by the cooler, shaking beers.

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