twenty one

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Lucy, Eric, Donna, and Hyde were gathered outside leaning against the Cruiser

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Lucy, Eric, Donna, and Hyde were gathered outside leaning against the Cruiser.

"Hey check it out I got an F on my report card," Donna said.

"An F what'd you fail?" Eric asked concerned.

"English!" Donna nodded.

"Isn't that what we speak?" Eric asked.

"I got a B in Spanish!" Hyde said. "When did I start taking Spanish?" Hyde asked confused.

"Last semester. How have you not failed everything?" Lucy sneered.

"What'd you get?" Hyde snatched her card. "All A's? Nerd!"

"Nerd who's going to get accepted to Stanford and Yale and everywhere else, unlike you," she stuck her tongue out at him. "What's that smell?"

They all turned to see Donna with a cigarette.

"Donna! That's a cigarette!" Eric yelled.

"Even worse, it's a menthol!" Hyde said in disgust.

"Donna come on put it out, you'll get suspended," Lucy said.

"When did you start smoking?" Eric asked.

"Well you just saw me light it," Donna said.

"Okay smartass!" Lucy raised her eyebrows.

"Come on Donna you know smoking causes cancer," Eric reminded her.

"I know, but it makes me look cool, so it's an even trade," Donna shrugged.

"Well drinking makes people look cool but it's not cool when their guts are spilled over the highway," Lucy said in disbelief over Donna's new habit.

"Hold this," she asked, passing the cigarette to Eric, who held it away from himself awkwardly.

"Oh geez Forman, hold it like a man would you!" Hyde said.

"Shut up!" Eric yelled.

"Don't pressure him," Lucy yelled at Hyde.

Eric leaned against the car, holding the cigarette normally. "Wow Donna first you fail English now you're smoking? Can I ask you what you're doing?"

"Smoking. Failing," Donna quipped.

Just then, an administrator walked out, "Wow Forman, smoking on school property?"

"No that's not his, that's mine," Donna spoke up.

"No it's mine," Eric said, placing the cigarette in his mouth, "Mmm, menthol."

"Eric quit it," Donna and Lucy hissed.

"Yeah, okay let's go Forman," the administrator grabbed Eric by the arm and pulled him into the building.

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