Chapter 1 Welcome To Dinner

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'Alphys said it was... this way?'

You blink, where did she say MTT Resort was?!

You keep walking. Hopefully you're going the right way. Every noise makes you jump, holding onto the branch you've kept with you this whole time.
You scratch at your pealing bandage.


As you keep walking through Hotland, you finally reach it.

"Finally!!!" You shout

You walk passed a sheet of paper on the ground, there's no point of looking at garbage on the ground.

You're about to walk in when you see an oddly familiar blue coat. You know by now who that is. It's the same guy who took you out to Grillbys in Snowdin, and had that serious talk, about Papyrus, with you. It's the same guy you see at nearly every sentry station, and once put 29 hot dogs on your head.

You walk over.

"Hey, Sans." You say

"hey. i heard you're going to the core."

"Yeah, I am."

"how about grabbing some dinner with me first?"

Your cheeks heat.


"great. thanks for treating me."

You blink. 'He's joking, he always jokes around'

You turn to go towards the door but he stops you.

"over here. i know a shortcut."

You walk with him, going to the left side of the building, he pulls you towards the wall and all of a sudden you're sitting at a table. Your head a bit dizzy. The same way it felt when he used one of his 'shortcuts' from Waterfall back to Grillbys.

"well. here we are."

You can't even talk, your mind just kept racing with thoughts.

Was he teleporting? What else can he do? Does Papyrus know? Can Papyrus do it too?!

"so. your journeys almost over, huh?"

You nod, still thinking.

"you must really want to go home."

You look away. You didn't want to admit that you were definitely enjoying it more down here then up on the surface. Your home life wasn't very good to begin with.. but you don't want to tell Sans the real reason you went to climb Mt. Ebbot in the first place...

"hey." He says, getting your attention

"i know the feeling, buddo."

You look at your fork on the table, lost in thought. What was he talking about? His home is here, with Papyrus. Isn't it?


You look up again.

"maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you. down here you've already got food, drink, friends..."

You look at him confused, why did he say "friends" so... oddly?

"is what you have to do... really worth it?"

You blink, as you see him turn away from you. You see a slight taint of blue covering the top of his cheekbones.
'Is he..? Blushing?!' You ask yourself.
He turns back to you, face getting brighter with blue by the second.

"... ah, forget it. i'm rootin' for ya, kid. " he turns away again.

"Thanks?" You say.

He jumps a little at the sound of your voice. Almost as though he was positive you wouldn't say anything.

"w-what did you just say?"

"I said 'Thanks'" you repeat.

He looks away again, and whispers to himself. "how the hell?! this is not possible!"


He jumps. "y-yeah?!"

"Are you okay?"

"me? yeah, just a little,"

Oh no.

"'bone'- tired"

You laugh a little.

"this is so weird!" You hear him mumble.

"What's weird?"


"Sans? What's going on?"

"l-listen, kid..." he trails off.


"i... i don't even know what to say."

"What do you mean?"

"i-i... i can't explain it."

You stare right at him, something is definitely wrong.

You grab for his hand on the table.

"Sans...? What's wrong?"

His face turns bright blue as he pulls away. He leans back a little before relaxing back into place. He stares at you. A look of pure seriousness locks eyes with you, as you see him stop blushing.

"what kind of trick are you trying to pull?"


He throws his hand up in the air, rolling his eyes. "oh, come on... you must know something about the past timeline if you can talk without pre-written text."


'Pre-written text? Previous timeline?!'


"Sans.. I have no clue what you're talking about. Are you sure you're okay?"

"do you remember..." he stops, trying to think of someone. "uh... asgore?! anybody?!"

"Asgore? He's the king right?"

"yeah! do you remember what he looks like?"

"Sans... I've never seen Asgore. I already agreed that I was just starting to head to the Core, not that I'm going back, which I'm not because I've never been there. So, no, I don't know what Asgore looks like."

You flinch, as a distant memory clouds your vision. It's so blurry you can only make out a few colours.

Yellow, green, gold, white... and purple.
Was this Toriel...? No. It wasn't her. You can make out a window in the background, shining light into the room, where a figure is standing next to a-.

"kid?" Sans' voice brings you back to reality.

"W-what?" You ask, head so dizzy you thought you were going to fall over.

Placing your elbows on the table for support, you close your eyes, only meaning to help your head, but the next thing you know, you're waking up on a couch. The smell of pasta fills the air as you open your eyes all the way to reveal... the living room of Sans and Papyrus' house.

Hullo hullo!!! It's me!!! Thanks so much for reading this. I'm actually writing this for one of my friends... soooooooooo yeaaaaaah!!!
Thanks again!!! Tell me how you liked it in the comments!!!!

The Final Timeline (Undertale Sans x Frisk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang