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You had to close your ears as the loud muffled shrieks and pieces of glass breaking from the other room, and poor Jungkook was almost pale from this sounds.

"Noona, w-what happened to Yoongi hyungie?" Jungkook stuttered shakily, gripping the edge of the table so hard from fear.

You simply pressed your lips tightly, because what could you say? The guy came home with a drenched shirt once again, but this time he just stormed inside the house with bloodshot eyes and a choler so bewildering to your own eyes.

"I don't know Kookie," you mumble helplessly, but you force a smile for the afraid kid. "He's just tired I guess."

"C-Can I talk to him?" he asked with big eyes, but before you could even protest his feet went paddling one the ground swiftly towards Yoongi's room.

Your eyes went wide and before you could hold the small boy back, he was already knocking away on his door which was slammed shut so loudly before, you could see the partially broken hinges already.

You held the small boy by the waist and pulled him back gently in order to not hurt him. "Jungkook, it's better if we leave him alone. He's very tired baby."

Jungkook shook his head sideways stubbornly, his eyes still glued onto the unanswered door. "Nuh-uh, I want to see Yoongi hyung."

"Kookie, don't be so stubborn." you pleaded, begging for him to see the trepidation in your eyes, because you knew it was a wrong step to go disturb someone so furious at the moment.

"Jungkook, please I'll buy you anything you want." Now you bent down to his level and pulled him back a little more, but he just pulled back from your hold banged on the door even more louder this time.

You gasped stridently and pulled the boy back forcefully in order to avoid any more chaos. Jungkook yelled loudly and banged the door weakly as you pulled him back, but it was way too late.

Yoongi threw the door open, his face stained terribly and chest heaving up and down frantically.

Jungkook ran towards him and hugged his legs, looking up with a wide cute smile. "Hyung!"

You could see Yoongi was certainly not in the mood, but after moments of hesitation and controlling himself in front of the young boy, he bent down and looked at the smiling boy who was striving hard to think of something to divert his hyung.

"Hyung, are you mad because you didn't get chocolate milkshake from Noona?" Jungkook faked a pout and glared at you, making Yoongi laugh instantly. "It's okay hyung, Kookie will buy you one with his own money!"

"Oh really?" Yoongi pinched his cheek and cooed at his brave posture. "Where is the money?"

Jungkook's lips parted at the realization that didn't have any money, not even a penny to even buy a candy for himself. So, buying a milkshake for his favorite hyung? Beyond impossible.

His eyes welled up with tears and soon, Yoongi was panicking about handling a sobbing Jungkook. Yoongi gasped and rocked the boy to make sure he wasn't crying anymore, but it was simply useless.

"Shush... What did I do?" Yoongi tried hard to control the crying boy, but it just made him cry even more. His eyes met yours and soon both of you were looking at each with worried eyes, trying to talk quietly about controlling him.

"J-Jungkook, I'll buy you something kay?" you caressed his soft hair and took him into your arms, but he still didn't stop.

"Why are you crying?" your voice was incredibly soft, making him calm down for a while with tears still rolling in his eyes with a unique twinkle.

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