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You slid down on the bathroom, unable to control the dam of tears which were building up almost immediately.

Telling that you were scared would be an understatement, because you weren't just scared but you were hysterical right now.

You put one hand on your mouth to control your loud sobs, because Yoongi was right outside sleeping peacefully. You didn't dare to wake him up with your vacuous sobs.

You gulped and wiped away the tears with both hands, and slowly took out the sharp object you've been tempted to use from many years.

The metal shone in the dark room, ready to pierce through your soft white skin and let the pain out. Even though it was early in the morning, you felt the darkness surrounding you, the dim light illuminating couldn't help at all.

You sighed quietly and brought the sharp side of the knife near your wrist, searching for the right vein to be cut.

But what's the use of specifying which one when I will die anyways?

The knife came close to your hand, you felt the sharp tip of the lustrous knife digging it's way eagerly into your skin. You wanted it, you felt like you needed it. It was just another push and that's it, you could end it once and for all.

You licked your lips and closed your eyes, trying your best to not think about the pain. You thought you were pushing it, but your hands were frozen in their place, not able to cut the skin anymore.

You pressed your lips and tried again, but you were reluctant. All this made you cry again, and unknowingly you started crying again, loud and clear.

It was too late to realise that you were loud, when you heard a loud bang on the door.

The knife fell down, clanking on the bathroom tiles.

Your breathing became shallow as the banging became louder. You slowly stood up and washed your face to make sure your face was fine, you wiped your eyes again and again to prevent the puffiness.

"Open the damn door! I need to pee!" Yoongi yelled, and it made your nervousness grow even more.

"It's okay... It's okay..." you mumbled to yourself and took the knife from the floor and hid it your hand.

You slowly opened the door to see an annoyed Yoongi struggling to balance himself.

"How long do you spend in the bathroom?!" he growled and walked past you, hitting your shoulder by mistake.

You lost your grip on the knife, and it fell again, but right in front of Yoongi's legs.

You tried to hide it as fast as you could, but then he was quicker. He took the knife in his hands and glared into your eyes, an unreadable expression on his face.

"What's this?" he asked, but it was more like a threat.

You gulped and grabbed the thing from his palm before walking away.

He doesn't deserve to know my dark past.

"Nothing. Y-You can go."

And you walked away, wondering how to handle this situation now.


You walked through the familiar corridors yet again, when you thought that yesterday would the last day you would see the same smiling faces again and again.

Behind your smiling face, there was certainly a dark past. Behind your cheerful aura, there was surely a dreadful thing involved.

But when you thought that you avoided everything, when you thought that you left your past behind, you never expected it to come chase you yet again.

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