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Yoongi just stood there, hands stuck to the wall right beside your face.

The words which escaped from your mouth just made him widen his eyes in shock, he never expected anyone to say that, specially not you.

Your confident gaze made him look back at you with the same intensity, not giving a moment to blink. At that moment, nothing mattered to him, he just kept looking into your eyes, something about it making him more curious.

Those dark orbs pulled him into some other world altogether. You stared back at him with a shy look, but you did it because you were drawn to those feline eyes too.

Soon the distance between your eyes decreased, making the distance between your two faces lesser and lesser by each second. It was until you both started breathing the same air, you instantly shut your eyes.

"What did you say?" Yoongi merely whispered. It wasn't like an order, but he truly wanted to hear it again.

His heart skipped multiple beats at that small remark, it was so beautiful to him.

"N-Nothing." you whispered back, motioning him to back away but deep inside you wanted this. Him coming closer to you was so enchanting, you loved it.

You licked your lips and looked away, but he suddenly pulled you by the waist, your head jerking forward by the sudden motion.

Yoongi didn't understand himself what he was doing, but he knew that he was soon hiding his face in the crook of your neck. He pulled you closer by the waist and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You both stood in each others embrace for a while, until Yoongi finally found the courage to mumble the words he wanted to say.

"Thank you..." he mumbled and those two simple words sent a gazillion vibrations throughout your body. It was a simple whisper again, but it held so much emotion.

Yoongi huffed out and closed his eyes, trying to back in the unusual comfort of the warmth emitting from your neck. Unknowingly he ignored your nervousness, but he didn't care even though his mind was screaming for him to realise what he just did.

You gently patted his back, your palms slowly touching his back only an an act of reassurance. It was just a simple hug, a friendly hug to be exact. But you didn't feel like it, it was more like clinging onto to dear life.

Your dilemma on whether wrapping your arms around his toned back or not was killing you, you badly wanted to do it but you were worried about his reaction at the same time. After a while, you ignored your inhibitions and slowly brought your hands up to wrap around the back covered in the blue denim shirt.

Just when you thought of doing it, his phone blared through his pant pocket, causing Yoongi to snap back to reality.

He pulled back suddenly, leaving your waist in a second and gaping at you with wide eyes. He blinked once again and glanced between your face and the phone buzzing like crazy in his pocket.

You gulped and looked away, while he focused on fishing out his phone frantically and answering it.

"What?" he groaned into the phone, soon regretting it.

"Woah hyung, calm down. I just called you to remind you about the dinner today night."

Oh crap.

"Ah... Haha yeah, I remember it!" Yoongi lied smoothly. "I didn't forget it Namjoon, you thought I would?"

"Nothing like that hyung, I don't know why my mom wants to meet ya."

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