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Yoongi smirked as he watched you getting pissed off by the second.

He enjoyed it.

He knew that there was only one bathroom, and he knew he had to mention that before but, he knew it would be better when you would realise that.

Because he loved seeing your annoyed scrunched up face.

He loved to see the cute puffy nose wrinkling up to form those three little lines on the bridge of your nose.

He loved it when you whined like a little kid stomping your foot hard on the ground -

Wait what?

Shaking away those thoughts, he shut the laptop gently and grabbed a bag to put his laptop and other stuff inside.

After a few minutes, you came out of the bathroom with your hair still damp and dripping. He observed you and quickly turned away to focus on packing.

"I'll be out for a few hours," He spoke casually and zipped up the bag. "Just don't destroy anything."

You frowned and stood there like an ice block while he just got out of the house and shut the door gently.

Before he could even go down the stairs the door of his apartment went wide open.

"What if I want to go out?" He heard you shouting out loudly, and he thanked god for keeping only two apartments for each floor.

He turned around and faced you with a wicked grin, pulling his back pack towards himself. "No you can't."

"You can't tell me that!" You whined.

"Technically yes, but you won't." He just shrugged and tried to go down again.

"And may I know why is that?" Your squeak was heard again, and this time he turned around with a poker face.

"Because you don't have the key. And you'll have to wait until I come home. Okay with that?"

You raised an eyebrow and held out your hand towards him while he just gaped at it in confusion.

"What?" He deadpanned.

"The keys." You clenched your jaw.

"Why will I give it to you?!"

"You have to."

"I'm not."

"Then I'm not paying the rent."

"Fuck off then!" Now Yoongi lost his cool totally, you were getting on his nerves now. "I never invited you to stay in my house!"

You just froze in your spot and stared at him as if he was a lizard hanging in the corner of your bathroom. Both of you shot daggers at each other, not even sparing a second to let your eyes blink.

"Aish, whatever!" You gave up and went inside slamming the door shut fiercely.

He groaned and walked away from you, tugging his hair harshly whenever he thought of you and your annoying deeds.

"I wonder what that dumbass shit is up to now."


"Wow, you actually came!"

He sipped his coffee and motioned the tall figure to sit down who was busy gawking at the elder.

"Hyung, you actually came!" Namjoon exclaimed like a little kid while he forgot about sitting down.

"So what now, you want me to go back?" Yoongi sipped his drink again and stared at Namjoon with hooded eyes.

"No no, it's just that... I never thought I would meet you again. The other day you were so..." Namjoon gulped and slowly sat down on the chair, bending his knees diagonally across the chair in an awkward way. "I thought I scared you away."

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