nagisa & reader | magnets

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Why are you getting farther away?

So far that I can't reach you?

Tell me why, you're so far away, why

Can't you see me in your eyes anymore?


Second Person's Point of View

9 October 2015 at 7:49 PM

Dear Nagisa,

You know for the fact that I am indeed a lazy lass who would rather eat than listen to a new topic.

I would normally be focusing on the window, staring at the mesmerizing blue sky, hearing the chirping of the birds instead of the loud noises of our classmates.

But, today was different. My ears were focused on the yellow creature, taking his words like it was a gospel from the church.

I guess you could blame my mood swings for this, but that ain't it at all.

During our Science time earlier, Koro-sensei tackled about magnets.

I was never really interested in that particular subject, but there was something that pulled me into listening to the discussion.

He told us that the opposite poles of a magnet, the south and the north, attract. And the same sides, south and south and north and north, don't work well with each other, so basically, they don't fit at all.

My mind wandered to another thing, though. It was us— heck no, it was you and me.

For 4 years that we've been together in Kunugigaoka Junior High School, we really enjoyed each other's companies. We walk to school together, have lunch together, go out and have fun together, cry and talk about our secrets together, scare each other, go on movie marathons, and the such.

You always teased me for having this light blue hair just like you. It wasn't my fault that we have the same hair color, you know?

We wear some matching headbands and clothes even though you didn't want to, we always have a competition in terms of eating blueberries, we would bet a lot on something and it's just— we were so the same, like we are one.

Like I were you, and you were me.


Such a nice word, isn't? It seems so pleasant to my ears.

We were inseparable. Our friends would call us a "couple", but both of us would always deny it.

Well, of course, how would you gain such feelings for me? You treat me as your sister, your twin, your half. The one who always relates to you and would always be there for you.

It was unfair. It felt like the world crashed into my soul and left a huge blackhole in it. I loved you with all my heart, cherished every moment that I spent with you, prayed to be with you for a lifetime, but the both of us have different perspectives when it came to "us".

Do magnets feel one sided love like I do? I guess so.

Opposites attract and likes repel.

One day, a small green haired girl entered our lives. It was the last year for high school, finally! She was lively, so beautiful, confident. Very noisy, somehow bitchy in a good way, a new student. Someone who is definitely not like you.

But you liked her for some reason.

You thought that she was different. It made you curious because she was completely unique in your eyes.

It was odd for you to find someone so optimistic that you wanted to puke. She seemed to notice this negative air from you, so she approached you like how she did to everyone else.

She befriended you, fixed your hairstyle so that it would now be a look a like of hers, and you became intoxicated for her.

She became your instant happy pill.

You gave all your attention to her that you forgot about your real best friend. You were honestly too attached to her, for fucks sake. This got so severe that you made me more broken than I should've.

The N in Nagisa means North. I, Y/N, is your soulmate, the other North.

But once you saw Kaede, also known as the South, you forgot about me.

You ditched me.

Probably because no matter what we do, we can't collide. We couldn't meet. Even if I exert all of my efforts, we would always repel.

Perhaps I was destined to fall for you.

Who wouldn't like someone like a Nagisa Shiota? You're gentle, loving, selfless, charming. I bet I could write one million reasons on to why you captured my heart, but that would take a very long time and you might get bored.

Perhaps, you were destined to fall for her.

It hurts how much your eyes sparkled while observing her movements. You always smiled when she smiles, laugh when she laughs, damn, you were so whipped for Kaede. I could tell how much you are allured to her, and this made me really envious.

And maybe, she was destined to reciprocate your love.

I saw how she kept giving glances at you, stare at you while you were sleeping, asking for your opinion about herself, and all those girl stuff that would lead to hints. She keeps on hiding it, yes, but it was just really obvious that she had feelings for you too.

It was tragic.

I felt out of place. It seemed like I became a match ruiner in your love life.

To be honest, if only I could change who I am, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Just for you.

I wish we could be like magnets, Nagisa.

I wish that I could remove the barrier that is in between us.


hi! sorry if my update is so late and is actually kind of short. my exams are so close already, and this makes me so busy.

i hope you enjoyed!

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