Karma & Reader - Clueless

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*looks at the picture*


This red head would be my valentine.

Karma x Innocent! Reader
This is requested by DuaneVicua (●'ω`●)


Are you mine?



What am I?

Am I what you need?

What you need?


Reader's Point of View

Buying some ice cream after class had been a habit for the both of us. An intoxicating hobby that we couldn't escape. We did this everyday, not even forgetting a single time. We didn't know how it actually started, since this was the first time to have him as my classmate.

It was like we were fated to do this kind of thing. Not in that way the others are thinking. He was destined to be my food buddy.

Let me get you straight, we were just some strangers— because we never talk to each other at school— who had this huge taste for strawberries to the point that we accidentally met in this ice cream store.

When we both realized that it was our favorite, we started chatting how delicious strawberry was. It then began shifted to strawberry cheesecake to strawberry milk and so on. We even had arguments on what made strawberry the best fruit and food that existed in this universe filled with other kinds of meal.

I'm grateful to have him beside me as my food buddy. The guy to go to when your stomach is grumbling loudly to the point that people can actually hear it. The friend to save your day when your heart craves for something.

As my mind was caught up with the thought of me and him, someone suddenly wrapped his arms around my shoulder, so this made me squeal in surprise. He handed my aesthetic pink ice cream filled with sprinkles and marshmallows while laughing loudly because of my reaction to his prank.

"Karma! Why did you have to do that?!" I harshly grabbed the cone of my food, but not too harsh to break it. Of course, food is love, food is life. Specifically, strawberry ice cream.

"You were out of it." This red head boy even had the urge to shrug his body, claiming he was innocent or some other thing.

He always do those kind of things. Putting his arms on my shoulder, accidentally putting his hand on my waist, and he even tried to hold his hand with mine. But knowing how mischievous he is as a person, it's just probably his silly side that everyone knows about.

A pinch on my nose was felt, and it stung hard. I slapped Karma's hand away from me and faced him. "Why do you keep on doing this kind of gestures to me?"

"How insensitive, Y/N-chan!~" He was smirking from ear to ear that it made my eyes roll in irritation.

"Me, insensitive? Aren't you referring to yourself?" I had a taste on my ice cream first so that it wouldn't melt, and instantly crossed my arms.

Karma unexpectedly went straight to me and took a lick out of my gelato, and he had the guts to give me a playful wink after doing it.

All of my blood seemed to be flowing directly on my cheeks since I felt hotness all around my face. I could feel my veins pumping around me, and it appeared like I was getting swallowed by embarrassment.

"Enough of the bullshit, K-Karma! Just tell your answer!" I immediately shouted back at him, and once I realized that it sounded cruel, I put my left hand on my mouth.

His gaze became soft and offended as his golden eyes start to look at a direction where I'm not located.

"I really don't know why you can't notice this. I've been like this for 5 months and only to you, but you don't even have a clue."

"Clueless abou—" My statement was cut off when Karma used his finger to touch my lips, and because of his move, I gasped loudly

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Clueless abou—" My statement was cut off when Karma used his finger to touch my lips, and because of his move, I gasped loudly. My stomach started to rumble wildly, like my innards were looking for something more than just food. It was like there were bees who kept on stinging my belly. It honestly felt like trouble, but it was also good in a way that my mind can't explain.

"I like you, Y/N. More than just a friend. I want to be your lover. Why can't you see it?" His mercury orbs were piercing through my soul, through my heart that was pounding irregularly. I tried to open my mouth to give a plausible response, but my lips were shaking in defeat.

I gulped hard to try to erase the invisible thing that was stuck in my throat, and I abruptly went to him to give him a kiss on his cheek. It was slow, but it actually felt like heaven. It was the feeling of euphoria overcoming my system.

His eyes widened because of what I did, and I just gave him a smile that looked like a sign to reassure him from his negative thoughts that was dominating him.

"I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I think I want to stay by your side. You're an important food buddy in my life. Imagining other girls eating strawberry ice cream with you makes me annoyed." I swiftly explained while I took the strands of my hair that was covering my face then tugged it into my ear.

As I raised my head to give him a gaze, he quickly got a hold of my wrist and pull me into a warm and soothing hug that seemed like... this guy in front of me was my safe place, my eternal haven.

He chuckled lightly into my ear and gave my forehead a gentle peck, which made my body melt in satisfaction.

He whispered, "I don't know if I should get mad or laugh at your innocence."


Lololol. Don't know if this is good or not since I'm not in a very good mood today. I'm kinda sick and I'm just... really annoyed right now.

So... that's it for today.

See you on the next update.

Vote. Comment. Share.

Arigato Gozaimasuu~ ^-^

Next Update: Five Virtuosos & Reader (Bonus Endings) [Requested]

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