nagisa & reader | magnets (pt. 2)

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hi! i just survived hell aka exams hehe.

here is the awaited part two of those who requested for it! :)


While taking the last box out of the empty room

I looked back for a moment

Times we cried and laughed

Goodbye now


12 October 2015 at 10:38 PM

Dear Y/N,

I know for the fact that I am stupid. Very stupid.

When you sent me your message, it felt like my world turned upside down. It seemed like the earth stopped moving for a second. It was pure bliss, but also pure chaos.

I'm sorry for being a numb shit. I was an idiot. I was too oblivious.

To be honest, I was about to tell my feelings for you.


Yes, I have feelings for you too.

I love you more than just a friend. More than just what we have.

But I knew in myself that I would just end up hurting you.

On one Sunday morning, August 17 2015, I was going to my usual monthly check up and my doctor told me that I would die in less than 2 months because of this rare sickness that I got from the clan of my mother.

She said that it was incurable.

There was no hope for me in staying much longer.

So, I lost all the hope within me and became a new person in just a day.

I didn't want to make you sad.

I didn't want to make you mad.

But, eventually, I did.

Upon hearing this heartbreaking news, I tried to avoid you by becoming close friends with Kaede, the new student. I knew it was bad to use a person, but I was desperate for an escape route.

You looked so sad.

You looked so jealous.

It made me so guilty knowing that Kaede got involved too much in this issue. It's also devastating how she admitted her feelings for me, but I told her how much I love you. How much you matter to me.

I was really about to confess to you the day I had a lot of courage! I was about to have the best moments with the love of my life!

Sadly, if ever I did tell you what I feel inside, you'll just be in agony because I'll die in the end.

You'll lose me, and I'll lose you.

Seeing you like a fragile thing that could easily break made me contemplate about this fucked up situation.

I was about to approach you again and make you feel that the old Nagisa that you love is back.

Try to make things work. Have the best time of my life before it runs out on me.
Be your so called twin, your other half. Go out to amusement parks, have deep talks, play with dogs in the pet shop beside our school.

God, I miss them so much.

I tried to face you, but I think I was too late in doing so.

Opposites attract and likes repel.

Just like the magnet lesson of Koro-sensei in the past few days, you met your opposite someone.

Heck, it was someone unexpected. It was my ex-friend when I was still in the main campus.

That someone who left me wondering why he stopped hanging out with me.

Yes, Karma Akabane.

That mischievous guy, a bad boy but is definitely intelligent, can be cocky at times, and for the finishing touch, he is completely attractive and liked by almost all girls in school.

You hated his guts and his whole existence.

He is your rival when it came to studies and extra curricular events. He is the itch in your system especially when he keeps on teasing the hell out of you.

But to me, it seemed like there's something more to it.

Something more than just the fights and the blabbering of two students.

Your eyes seemed to be happy when you're around him. Bonus, it looks like he feels the same too.

Now, I realize how much of a douche I've become.

I pushed you away, but know that you're with someone who makes you feel a lot of emotions, I'm trying to get you back?

I left you alone.

So who am I to pull you and tell you the words, "Please come back to me."?

This is my Karma.

You, Y/N. Enjoy life.

You and Karma would surely be a good couple. I imagine the both of you scaring the hell out of our classmates, being the queen and king of demons in Class 3-E. It's the powerhouse couple that people would be envious of.

Once I'm gone, always know that I'm here to guide you from above.

To be honest, I'm becoming weaker and weaker everyday.

I feel like I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

It's actually a miracle that I had the time to write this for you.

I wasn't planning on telling you this sickness, but I guess you have the right to know. Plus, I couldn't keep it to just myself anymore.

If only I could live longer.

If only I was given more time, I could've been strong. I could've courted you.

We could've been something more even though the both of us know that we repel.

I wish I could stay longer and be together with you as we remove the barrier between us.

Take care of yourself.

Farewell, love.


ehem ehem! who the hell is cutting onions right now?

sorry if this is so short T^T (this is actually shorter than the 1st part)

anyways, i hope that you liked it!

see you on the next update.

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arigato gozaimasuu~ ^-^

ruminative ; assassination classroom oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora