Itona & Reader - Got you

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Hey, did you notice that I've been making you, reader-chan, a lunatic ever since Gakushu's one shot?

Well, I'm kind of addicted to reading yandere stories right now, so please forgive me.

You'll probably forgive me this time because you're an innocent girl again! ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

But beware~~~

Itona-kun is the problem here.

Yandere Itona and Reader!! 💗

Now, let's just start to see what happens! (ToT)/~~~


Running through the parking lot

He chased me and he wouldn't stop

Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it

Grabbed my hand, pushed me down

Took the words right out my mouth

Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it


Reader's Point of View

I bought some clothes from my favorite shopping line, happily walking with so many paper bags in my hand.

One more thing that makes me happy is that my mom let me use her car today!!~

I only have a student's license that's why my mother was so hesitant on letting me drive on my own.

But, guess what? *Flips hair*

I'm the winner for today, peasants!

Because I'm already satisfied, I already have new crop tops, hoodies, ripped jeans, denim jackets and so much more!

My mind is definitely celebrating for today's success! (ToT)/~~~

"F/N." Someone suddenly approached me, making me go back to my senses.

"Oh~ Itona-kun! What are you doing here?" I asked him, kind of shocked that he's in a mall.

Well, that's completely unexpected from him. I thought.

"Just went to buy some things." He coldly said like he always do.

"Hmmmm... okay. Are you now planning to go home?" I suddenly asked him out of the blue.


"Yeah. I'm just having a walk home." He told me, probably uninterested.

What a cold boy. I controlled myself so that I wouldn't frown in front of him.

"Well, I'm going to my mom's car that I borrowed. Wanna hop in?" I nicely suggested.

He didn't react at my sudden question, but I noticed a glint in his eyes.

What is he thinking?

"Okay." He then took my paper bags from me and walked, going through the path where the parking lot is.

His move made me blush. Redness crept up on my face and just wished that he wouldn't look back at me.

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